I think the British government's cutting back of arts funding is such a crime. I bet it will happen in Denmark soon, too.

I think all artists secretly hope their kids might do something safer and straitlaced: maybe my daughter 'll be a banker.

Humor is a good way in general to get people together, I think. Of course, Danish humor is more ironic and sarcastic altogether.

I love sequencing and programming, and I'm drawn to drum 'n' bass music. I love James Murphy's productions - and hey, he wears my socks!

Basically, my musical life is split between raving with drugged-up kids and reading obscure 75-year-old poetry, drinking very nice red wine with aged, graying men.

I had a dream about building a house on a dock, composed from 100 triangles. You'd have to sail from room to room. And maybe the entrance would be the mouth of a whale.

We make the patterns on the computer, but we also paint them by hand - it's a combination of digital and screen-prints. I'm trying to do as much as I can myself in the studio.

I'm thinking about doing dusty colors - we definitely are doing as much color as we can. It seems that fashion is back on track with color - I hope. It's been very black for awhile.

Inspiration comes from everywhere. Western, Non-Western cultures - I'm open-minded. I love to travel. But not only for inspiration. Alas, timewise, I have a problem with that. Touring, museums, designing, babies.

I love musical festivals Pukkelpop, Lowlands, and Glastonbury. But Roskilde is great - it's one of the things Danes try to be proud of. Actually, I usually try to set up a clothing pop-up shop at the festival every year.

I would say I'm a musician first, actually. I started playing music when I was 10. Then I started designing, went to school, set up a proper business about 10 years ago - our anniversary coming up. But I've played music throughout and still am.

Because we're on the outside of everything, and we're a small group of countries - Scandinavia , we have a unique vantage point. We are extremely good at focusing our ideas into art and music and design that fits a global state of mind. Being observers of the rest of the world allows us to express something pure that goes beyond borders, beyond planets.

I was educated in London at Central Saint Martins and had this whole thing about getting together with a lot of international students. Twenty-three languages were spoken during our lunch breaks! The school was very open minded, you could do whatever you wanted. Some people loved that freedom, others got lost. Gareth Pugh was a classmate, and so was Peter Jensen.

I designed New York boutique myself, the same as I designed the previous retail spaces in Copenhagen and Olso. The inspiration for the interior is similar to those, as well. Of course, I also build sets for my shows and other personal projects, so I think about how to design "space" often. I also do a lot of installations for other companies, have done pop-up projects, so transforming environments the Vibskov way is always a fun challenge.

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