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Silence can be defined as conversation with an Englishman
Whenever books are burned, men also in the end are burned.
In the image of the lion made He kittens small and curious.
There, where one burns books... one, in the end, burns men.
Where books are burned in the end people will be burned too.
Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is his prophet.
Those who begin by burning books will end by burning people.
We should forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged
What Christian love cannot do is effected by a common hatred.
Music is a strange thing. I would almost say it is a miracle.
Pretty women without religion are like flowers without perfume.
The violets prattle and titter, And gaze on the stars high above.
Since the Exodus, freedom has always spoken with a Hebrew accent.
No compass has ever been invented for the high seas of matrimony.
In these times we fight for ideas and newspapers are our fortress.
The gazelles so gentle and clever Skip lightly in frolicsome mood.
Graves they say are warm'd by glory; Foolish words and empty story.
Matrimony; the high sea for which no compass has yet been invented.
If you wish to strive for peace of soul and pleasure, then believe.
The fountain of love is the rose and the lily, the sun and the dove.
Whatever tears one may shed, in the end one always blows one's nose.
Wherever books are burned, human beings are destined to be burned too.
Each violet peeps from its dwelling to gaze at the bright stars above.
Reform Judaism is like mock turtle soup-turtle soup without the turtle
A brainiac notices everything, an ignoramus comments about everything.
Glow-worms on the ground are moving, As if in the torch-dance circling.
Wherever they burn books they will also, in the end, burn human beings.
Every age has its problem, by solving which humanity is helped forward.
No talent, but yet a character. [Ger., Kein talent, doch ein Charakter.]
The swan, like the soul of the poet, By the dull world is ill understood.
The men of the past had convictions, while we moderns have only opinions.
Every man, either to his terror or consolation, has some sense of religion.
Ordinarily he was insane, but he had lucid moments when he was merely stupid
The beauteous eyes of the spring's fair night With comfort are downward gazing.
In politics, as in life, we must above all things wish only for the attainable.
From every Englishman emanates a kind of gas, the deadly choke-damp of boredom.
And once again we plighted our troth, And titter'd, caress'd, kiss'd so dearly.
Never let a fool kiss you, or a kiss fool you. Oh, what lies there are in kisses!
Poverty sits by the cradle of all our great men and rocks all of them to manhood.
This was but a prelude; where books are burnt human-beings will be burnt in the end
Lo, sleep is good, better is death--in sooth The best of all were never to be born.
I will not say that women have no character; rather, they have a new one every day.
The artist is the child in the popular fable, every one of whose tears was a pearl.
Christianity is an idea, and as such is indestructible and immortal, like every idea.
The Wedding March always reminds me of the music played when soldiers go into battle.
Everywhere that a great soul gives utterance to its thoughts, there also is a Golgotha.
It is only kindred griefs that draw forth our tears, and each weeps really for himself.
That was only the beginning - where one burns books, one will finally also burn people.
Sleep is lovely, death is better still, not to have been born is of course the miracle.
Photography is a witness against the mistaken opinion that art is an imitation of nature.