I preach as a dying man to dying men.

Conversion is the work of the Holy Spirit.

God's judgement begins to fall on the Earth.

Millions of people are going to come to Jesus.

It is going to get worse before it gets better.

I have to impose my belief to share with a person.

Sharing my faith is not a monologue, it is a dialogue.

Heaven is not for good people, it's for forgiven people.

We can trust God's heart even when we can't trace His path.

Any step away from the cross is a step in the wrong direction.

Whenever God is blessing, we can expect the devil to be opposing.

Earth is only a pale version of heaven, not the other way around.

You were placed on earth to know God. Everything else is secondary.

My objective is to build a bridge to a person, to establish a dialogue.

Jesus took His place in a manger so that we might have a home in Heaven.

Know this: God’s delays are not necessarily His denials. So keep praying.

I take it very seriously when I take the pulpit. That I'm representing God.

In essentials unity, in non-essentials liberty, in all things charity and love.

I believe that the work of the Holy Spirit, through the church, will continue on.

I have read the last page of the Bible and I know for sure that we win in the end.

The pulpit is not a place to settle scores, it’s a place to preach the word of God.

You will be tested as a leader....You may be tested with success, fame, and fortune.

New believers are the lifeblood of the church. We can either evangelize or fossilize.

The most miserable man or woman is the one who knows what is right and does not do it.

Religion is man's attempt to reach God and Christianity is God's attempt to reach man.

Every Christian is called to preach the gospel. We need to take the commission seriously.

Prayer is not the answer. God is the answer. Prayer is the vehicle by which we reach God.

He who rejects the Bible has nothing to live by. Neither does he have anything to die by.

If you give, it will be given to you. And I have found that generous people are blessed people.

The Bible says that the servant of the Lord must be patient. Not everyone believes immediately.

You know, it is not God's desire to conceal but to reveal. The word revelation means "unveiling."

I have found that if you invest in the lives of people, well-feed sheep will reproduce themselves.

We are supposed to share the gospel. So, I believe it can actually be a sinful thing to not do it.

The scripture teaches that he who now restrains will continue to do so until he is taken out of the way.

Giving is a responsibility. It is an opportunity. And it is a blessing for every follower of Jesus Christ.

I think any belief system that says to a person, "I don't need Jesus because I have my ritual" is a problem.

The kids (in the Jesus Movement) weren't singing for themselves. It seemed like they were singing TO Someone.

So here is what it comes down to: the ultimate choice in life is between pleasing ourselves and pleasing God.

We also need to recognize that God may have other plans in store for us, and we must be willing to accept that.

Let's commit ourselves to being true disciples of Jesus Christ. Not mere fair-weather followers, but disciples.

If you want to win some, you have to be winsome - be nice, be friendly and then appropriately apply the gospel.

Every Christian needs to be informed, every Christian needs to register and every Christian should absolutely vote.

Let heaven fill your thoughts instead. Because when you do, everything on earth gets placed in its proper perspective.

What we now consider to be radical behavior was to early believers nothing more than a sincere attempt to live obediently.

Either you will have harmony with God and friction with people, or you will have harmony with people and friction with God.

You become a disciple in the biblical sense only when you are totally and completely committed to Jesus Christ and His Word.

The Lord will remove the church but the Holy Spirit will still be working on planet Earth, bringing people into the kingdom.

I don't think the problem that we have today is overzealous believers. I think the problem we have is underzealous believers.

Jesus did not say that the whole world should go to church.Essentia lly He said that the church should go to the whole world.

If you are seeking to obey the Lord, expect opposition. Expect obstacles. Expect difficulties. But also expect God to see you through

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