I realize Twitter can be good, providing a video game of creativity for your brain.

Job creation is important I think, but it's not the critical issue for Republicans.

Why is our media quick to find evil in our local police, but tnot in Islamic terror?

The problem with leftism as a vice is that everyone else is stuck with the hangover.

Move somewhere with decent public transit so you don't drive drunk and hit somebody.

The federal government is enormous; it never shrinks. And the interest is killing us.

If Obama was a sonnet, Trump is a limerick. And really, which ones do you enjoy more?

You can't get more racist than hating black conservatives just because they're black.

Ask dumb questions and listen quietly for the answers. That's a wisdom stair climber.

If Russia had the same military power that America did, earth would be called Russia.

Legal gun ownership always prevails over the emotionalism of the gun control movement.

The government is controlling your mind through chem trails, we all know this is true.

What I'm going to miss is the competition, being, that's OK, I can watch from the house.

Human evolution relies on cooperation, which is why identity politics feels so backward.

I want to make a positive point of Ikea. It makes income inequality a minor distraction.

Infected by political ideology, if you dare question climate models, your career is done.

If America oppresses, why do so many people risk their lives coming here to be oppressed?

A funny thing about tolerant people? They're really only tolerant when you agree with them.

Being a conservative on campus is like bing a goat amongst the taliban. You are never safe.

When you get famous and rich when you're young, what happens is you start feeling insecure.

In the hands of fiends, guns will kill you. In your hands, they protect against such fiends.

Generally, I don't bother trying to keep up with prolific bands - but Thee Oh Sees demand it.

There's always something heroic and romantic about taking a stand against the powers that be.

I love it when the market reacts naturally to events. It's like a cat coughing up a fur ball.

As the Left demean law-abiding gun owners, they turn flaccid when faced with the armed felon.

If you're a Republican and rich, that's evil. But if you're a Democrat and rich, that's great.

If a journalist calls you a racist, chances are, all other journalists will call you a racist.

I don't believe a religion affords any protection if they are connected to any kind of terror.

Ocean privilege does not exist anymore. The world is small. We cannot rely on distance anymore.

When immigrants go into the worse neighborhood and they fix it up, they should become citizens.

A troll's life is a no-physical-contact existence. You will die alone, as you die daily, online.

Youthful impatience obscures the endless potential for joy that's standing right in front of you.

There are always gonna be people that are gonna be offended about something. This will never end.

I've said it before: If Queen had died and reincarnated as one person, it would be Devin Townsend.

Now that President Trump is a reality, I happily have been giving him a chance to see how he does.

The beauty of progress is that it makes it easier for you to carve out a space to be nonproductive.

It may feel good to think you're right. But it's better to allow the possibility that you're wrong.

Playboy seems like a sad magazine for me. It seems like for men who would sit around in a bath robe.

The frothing Trump-haters' extremism turns whatever criticism they have for the guy into mere parody.

Republicans do actually care about health care. They just don't care about government-run health care.

Sanctuary cities are a lot like hitchhiking. And the abstract, it feels really good until you feel dead.

It's the great deception in modern culture: Bad things call for noble names to cloak their evil outcomes.

2017 may have been that year when identity politics hit a brick wall - and slumped limply on the pavement.

Trump's policies are a mix of fairly traditional things. Even his immigration stuff isn't really that new.

Islamists are nothing but guided missiles that pride themselves on taking out as many infidels as possible.

Eric Holder sees everything through the prism of race. He keeps that mustache because shaving cream is white.

The PC rebellion is about a reaction against the media academic complex, which tells us what to say - or else.

I'm sure if you could survey the unborn they would prefer the chance for life over the options of solar power.

We need an idiot middle ground, where we have to be honest and say, kids can be idiots and cops can be idiots.

The great thing about being rich is, you can embrace practices that kill the poor - that's what socialism does.

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