I don't like hair spray in my hair.

I count calories and watch my carbs.

People don't like to see instability.

I try and live my life simply and purely.

When I come to Manly I just remember my childhood.

It took me a while to learn how to spell my own name.

I've never been backwards in telling people what I think.

We should return to Howard-era immigration levels in NSW.

You cannot treat Sydney the same as the rest of the state.

My parents gave us a strong sense of civic responsibility.

I know how to fix a problem. I know how to get things done.

In Sydney, it's not sustainable to have 41 council entities.

I am someone who will listen and someone who has an open mind.

I'm my own harshest critic but I'm also master of my own destiny.

I just feel I can deliver the best outcomes for the people of NSW.

I've done things my own way every since I've entered public office.

We are a government that does its homework and listens to the public.

I strongly believe supply is the best way to address housing affordability.

I absolutely will be putting my stamp on this government and my leadership.

I value human life. I don't want to see human life taken away unnecessarily.

I've never made a conscious decision to choose work over other considerations.

I want to make it very clear from day one that we are a government for everyone.

Whether it is a hard or soft Brexit, there are opportunities here for us to be had.

I am a strong believer in small government that doesn't interfere in people's lives.

I am very open to looking at potential tax changes to improve housing affordability.

Everybody reacts to very difficult circumstances differently, we have to accept that.

I know what difference it makes to a community if a dirt road becomes a bitumen road.

Having a police presence on public transport is vital to ensuring customers are safe.

I've always been very determined to do things my own way and people can expect that from me.

The new Powerhouse in Parramatta will be bigger and better than anything this state has seen.

When the government says we're going to build something on behalf of the community, we do it.

What is really important for us in Sydney is to make sure every community is treated the same.

We've spent more than 200 million dollars of taxpayer dollars to protect the Liverpool Plains.

I've been in public life for long enough that I know you just have to live your life normally.

I want people to feel they are living in good urban environments with greenery and green space.

I'm here to govern for everybody and I hope that people judge me on my merits and what I can do.

All of us from time to time look back and think we could've handled things differently or better.

My strong pitch is that under the Liberal National government you'll have stronger, better future.

Anyone who advocates pill testing is giving the green light to drugs. That is absolutely unacceptable.

My father was a welder on the second-highest sail, so the Opera House has a special place in my heart.

I would not support any scheme which suggested that people should be taxed for living in their own home.

You don't know how long you have in public life... I want to make the best of it while I've got the role.

People can expect that from me as premier: If there's something to be done, something to be fixed, it'll happen.

If we could have a really good debate with the states and the federal government on tax reform I'd be up for that.

The states have never had a voice when it comes to immigration or population policy. I think that needs to change.

I was born in Manly Hospital, I pretty much grew up in my grandmother's house until my parents bought their own home.

I'm incredibly proud of the fact that my government has worked closely with communities of all different backgrounds.

Sydney CBD is the eastern city, Parramatta is the central city and Badgerys will be the third city in greater Sydney.

We value integrity of information, we value processes, cyber- security. These are things important to the government.

I'm a fan of making sure our community grows and that we are always compassionate and remember our place in the world.

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