Be first and be lonely.

Growth and comfort do not coexist.

Digital, it is not the destination.

I have a great job at a great company.

Don't let others define you. Define yourself.

I never look at an acquisition really by size.

Don't let others define you. You define yourself.

The social network will be the new production line.

When you remove layers, simplicity and speed happen.

The ultimate competitive advantage is being cognitive.

I learned to always take on things I'd never done before.

Never love something so much that you can’t let go of it.

Never love something so much that you can't let go of it.

We share no data with the government anywhere in the world.

I've always looked for challenges, and I have found plenty.

Steward for the long term. It's not always easy, but you do it.

Your value will be not what you know; it will be what you share.

The social network will be the new production line in a company.

The most important thing for any of us to be in our jobs is curious.

When I think of revenue growth, I think of the words 'mix' and 'shift.'

IBM existed a good 50 years before mainframes - we started with scales.

Big data is indeed a buzzword but it is one that is frankly under-hyped.

India... what a big part you play in this story for IBM and for the world.

Ask yourself when you learn the most. I guarantee it's when you felt at risk.

One of the most important topics I think for us all to work on is job creation.

The ability to please your shareholders comes because of what you do for clients.

If you're clear on what you believe, you have a great foundation to go make a market.

As I tell all our folks, the only reason we exist - make no mistake - is our clients.

You build your own strategy. You don't define it by what another competitor is doing.

I don't think anybody's just B2B or B2C anymore. You are B2I - business to individual.

It will not be a world of man versus machine. It will be a world of man plus machines.

Planes don't fly, trains don't run, banks don't operate without much of what IBM does.

This century, the 21st century, will be the Indian century - and I really believe that.

India will not be at the center - it will be the center of this fourth technology shift.

Above and beyond, not only are we an innovation company, we are in service of our clients.

You will have many more goals in the years ahead. But do not confuse a goal with a purpose.

I learned to always take on things I'd never done before. Growth and comfort do not coexist.

Any city has to give some thought to its ambition and brand in order to set sustainability goals.

I think health care is absolutely ripe. It's an $8 trillion industry, lots of inefficiency in it.

I think, given who the IBM target company is, I feel our purpose is to be essential to our clients.

Every part of your business will change based on what I consider predictive analytics of the future.

You've got to keep reinventing. You'll have new competitors. You'll have new customers all around you.

Someone once told me growth and comfort do not coexist. And I think it’s a really good thing to remember.

Someone once told me growth and comfort do not coexist. And I think it's a really good thing to remember.

If it's digital, it will be cognitive. If you think that, you're going to change the way you run a business.

If you step back and look at technology from every era, it has displaced jobs but also created a lot of jobs.

To me, I learned along the way, you know, culture is behavior. That's all it is; culture is people's behaviors.

Clients say, 'What's your strategy,' and I say, 'Ask me what I believe first.' That's a far more enduring answer.

The recommendation when I'm mentoring folks, I always tell them - and we talked about this last year - take a risk.

You have to stick up for what you believe in. And that, to me, is the biggest thing you can do about driving inclusion.

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