Why should we take options off the table in advance?

Ivanka Trump's star is ascendant at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and around the world, too.

We need to offer Africans the alternatives to terrorist recruitment that their own governments cannot. This includes, yes, jobs.

Eradicating terrorist organizations and neutering radical Islam means very little if we cannot first guarantee we'll all be here tomorrow.

In an era of rapidly evolving security threats that are often asymmetrical and unpredictable in nature, nuclear weapons are an existential threat we can count on.

In the Arab and Israeli worlds' eyes, Jared Kushner is a perfectly plausible American arbiter of - if not peace - then at least more process, procedure, and posturing.

Don't simply insist that the American future will be bright if we vote for you and damned if you don't; explain how and why. We deserve the truth, and we can handle it.

For even the most seasoned diplomats and foreign policymakers, the Israel-Palestinian conflict is a pressure cooker assignment that can cause angst of an existential nature.

The United States and its European allies need to start viewing foreign assistance to some messy and unsavory regions of the world as investments in our collective future rather than charity; we're paying money now so that we don't have to pay with blood and treasure later.

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