I was a good liar as a child.

We can only make ourselves the victim.

I am more spontaneous than my character.

Success has nothing to do with happiness.

When I think of normality I think of mediocrity

I’m trying to accept where I’m at, not run from it.

We are all dying. Every single day that we are alive.

I'm a massive fan of Sunshine. Oh my God, I love that film.

I can goof around with other people right up to when we shoot.

At the beginning Scully was much more sceptical than she is now.

There is a difference between being listened to and being heard.

We have to raise the status of girls and women in every country.

I hope everyone that is reading this is having a really good day

I didn't pay as much attention in school as I would have liked to.

I truly beleive that we can overcome any hurdle that lies before us.

I have a real problem with stillness. With just stopping and being quiet.

Vibration is always good. Sitting on top of the washing machine thats going.

Directing was a transformative experience for me, one that I really enjoyed.

Having been Scully for such a long time, I have to prove myself in other roles.

I believe people are in our lives for a reason. We're here to learn from each other.

My default is self-destruction, and anything on top of that is a bloody lot of work.

When the show's not around any more, it's going to be hard not to have her in my life.

Thinking man's crumpet? Well, it's more flattering than being a lobotomised man's crumpet, I suppose.

Human trafficking is a globally assisted pandemic that generates billions of dollars of income a year.

[on her role as Special Agent Dana Scully on The X-Files (1993)] I am more spontaneous than my character.

It's taken a while for me to convince people that I can do something other than Scully. And it still takes effort.

Just remember, you can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance, and facing your fears.

To re-live these characters would be wonderful, because I know when the show ends it will be huge mourning process.

You're only given as much as you can handle at any given time. Whether it's true or not, it gives you the strength.

Let's stop being so damn judgemental & crucifying everyone who doesn't fit into our boxed-in perceptions of what is right.

Well, it seems to me that the best relationships-the ones that last-are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship.

There is this view that if you are not tormented you cannot be vital and creative. I would like to think that is not true.

I will only take something or agree to do something that I feel like I understand, and inherent in understanding is empathy.

It's a proven fact that when you raise the status of girls and women in a country, that country does much better economically.

I always felt I wasn't completely American and I wasn't completely British: there was a feeling of having my feet in both places.

People generally treat me like I'm very intelligent and really, I'm much less intelligent than she is. Scully is insanely intelligent.

I was a daydreamer, and there is a lot of history and geography and science I missed out on because I was in my head. And I regret that.

I'm actually very scared of sharks. I wanted to be a marine biologist when I was young, which may not have been compatible with that fear.

I wouldn't say I'm normal. But I'm relatively stable. When I think of normal, I think of mediocrity, and mediocrity scares the f--- out of me.

Only once have I taken on a role where I felt that I didn't quite understand her, but I said yes anyway. I don't think I'll ever do that again.

I would never point a finger at anyone and say, 'They lived their life badly.' I take it as it comes and deal with each situation as it arrives.

I truly believe that we can overcome any hurdle that lies before us and create the life we want to live. I have seen it happen time and time again.

I love it when women come up to me and tell me I'm a positive influence on their lives and the lives of their young daughters. That's a great feeling.

I'm sure with a production that's not particularly well received or mediocrely received, it must be incredibly challenging to get up and keep doing it.

The first time, where Fox Mulder and Scully met, she stands up for herself. She stands right there and gives it to him and that was extremely attractive.

So much of this world is based on illusion, temporaries, and disposability that I think it's essential that our closest relationships reflect what is real.

Self-esteem should have nothing to do with what you look like – if you exude genuine confidence, people will be swept into it. You have to be able to hold yourself.

When I'm inside the character, I feel like I'm a different person, and then when you see that character on screen and I see that it's me, I find that disappointing.

People come in and out of our lives to teach us. And we teach other people. It's part of the process. They come in and they go out. Some stay for longer than others.

I mean the whole thing about meditation and yoga is about connecting to the higher part of yourself, and then seeing that every living thing is connected in some way.

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