I've always had bizarre, negative feelings about anything traditional, like marriage and family. I never thought something like that worked.

I think there needs to be people that are doing something different in music. There's a need for that as much as there's a need for a scene.

I went to art school, and that's how I got the internship, and then I started a band. But I always missed comics, I always wanted to do them.

Don't let anyone tell you you're not good enough. You're good enough, you are too good. Love your family with all your heart and listen to it.

I feel like theres so many people out there who have the kids in the palm of their hand, listening but there are so few people saying something

Sometimes you have to kind of die inside in order to rise from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love yourself and become a new person.

As free and crazy as we want to be, and how much we want to make the world a canvas, there's also a part of us that doesn't want to make any mark.

When you've written a song, sometimes it's really hard to wrap your brain around what somebody else is doing, or maybe the way that they see the song.

I do a lot of research, I try to think about how it relates to music and I just do a ton of drawing. It's much easier to work your ideas out that way.

I don't like to write a script unless I know who the artist is. A lot of people can do it without that, and that's cool, but I like to look at the art.

No matter what anyone says, dont take their F**king Bulls**t. Coz you're better then them, faster than them and god damn it, YOU'RE MUCH BETTER LOOKING!!

Suicide is a serious thing. And if you know anyone who is suicidal, you need to get them help. No one should be in pain. Everyone should love themselves.

I think the most important thing is that everybody is happy creating, and doing what they want to do, and have really great relationships with each other.

I wouldn't have been able to move to L.A. if I felt I was going to lose my identity as a New Jerseyian. My accent has gotten thicker since I've lived here.

So people keep asking me what this badge is for... this badge makes me the sheriff, the sheriff of Emo town, so get your straight irons and eyeliner ready!

I am not afraid to keep on living. I am not afraid to walk this world alone. Honey if you stay you'll be forgiven, nothing you can say will set me going home.

I believe in ghosts because I had a paranormal expierience once that was very personal. Though, every fiber in my being tries to convince me they don't exist.

What I like about The Sims is that I don't have a normal life at all, so I play this game where these people have these really boring, mundane lives. It's fun.

If you go to a really great shop that stocks really great stuff and it doesn't makes it feel like a super secret club there's tons of stuff to find all way time.

I don't think having a My Chemical Romance action figure will make a kid start his own band, I like to think it will make him save children from a burning building.

You are gorgeous, whether you're a size 4 or 14. It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, as long as you're a good person, as long as you respect others.

Let me tell you how the story ends, where the good guys die and the bad guys win. It doesn't matter how many friend you make, but the graffite they write on your grave.

A lot of the other things in my life like making music, you know that's a very collaborative thing so I work on comics because it's not something that's a solo activity.

It's important to keep up momentum, when I'm home alone I get stagnant, I go crazy and have to see my therapist. Being on the road keeps me busy. I'm okay when I'm busy.

I feel like my mission is to be honest with myself. My mission is to share my truth - share, not give. I think that's what an artist is supposed to do: I think they share.

The Black Parade has to go home soon, so you're gonna be stuck with My Chemical Romance. I'm sorry. That singer has a despicable mouth, he dresses funny, and he can't sing!

It reminded me of a meat grinder. From when I was a kid. Going to school it felt like you were in a meat grinder. It chews you up and pours out this mess that can't function

There was a moment in my life when I really wanted to kill myself. And there was one other moment when I was close to that. But even in my most jaded times, I had some hope.

I don't know if I could [do a TV show]. I would if it had nothing to do with the comic. It would be really weird and maybe not feature any of The Umbrella Academy characters.

Im okay Im okay now. But you really need to listen to me 'cause im telling you the truth I mean this im okay Trust me... Im not okay ...Well okay im not okay. Im not o-f cking-kay

I have so many books to write now. So I'll write from home. Sometimes I'm writing in the office too, in my cubicle. It looks like a mess. It doesn't look like anybody uses the spot.

Human nature at times is unfortunately very ugly and I learned the world can be a very ugly place. For as much beauty there is, there's just as much brutality and violence and ugliness.

The Black Parade only has two songs left. Then you'll have to deal with the likes of My Chemical Romance. Personally...I think their language is atrocious and they don't know how to dress.

Cecil Castellucci is writing Shade, who is the perfect writer for it. I love her young adult stuff, and it's pretty hardcore and visceral, so I knew she was going to bring that to the book.

Life is very, very short, and you can choose to live it how you want. You can choose to dumb yourself down and not express yourself just so you can fit in, just so people won't dislike you.

I'm a big fan of domino masks, like Zorro, or Robin. You could put a domino mask on anything, and it becomes a superhero. You put a domino mask on a milkman, and he becomes, like, Super Milkman.

In those perfect moments you find beauty you never knew existed. You find yourself and you friends all over again, you find something to fight for, something to love. Something to show the world.

Learning to be extremely disciplined has been the key for me. I work really hard during work hours and family really hard during family hours. Family does always come first though, in any situation.

As long as somebody is guaranteed a certain number of sales you know you're gonna keep seeing these vanity projects. I mean they have a place, they serve a function they can bring people into comics.

My wife totally backs the way I am on stage; that's one of the amazing things about her. I have 120 per cent respect for her when I'm on stage, so there are definitely certain things I would never do.

The whole thing about comics is the reason I think you shoot to be a comics author is because it's a very solitary activity and that you sit down and you're arguing with yourself that's kinda the plan.

It erases everything I hate about myself. Nothing can hurt me. I feel completely invincible. I feel like everyone else on that stage is invincible and we're capable of anything. There's no stopping us.

My Chemical Romance is done. But it can never die. It is alive in me, in the guys, and it is alive inside all of you. I always knew that, and I think you did too. Because it is not a band- it is an idea.

A lot of kids get disappointed. They expect me to be, like, 'Bwaah.' 'If I spend a minute with them, they end up saying, 'Wow, you're a nice, normal guy.' They hate it when they catch me out of my makeup.

My parents didn't have records, they didn't have radios, and they didn't listen to music. My grandmother was my main connection to art and music. She could play piano very well, and she had perfect pitch.

Sometimes it can be really exciting, but I avoid the blank page now. What I do is hand write everything. When you're hand writing, there's never a blank page, really. There's so much you can do with that.

Did Superman really want to save the world, or did he just feel like he had to? Would he much rather be a farmer? Maybe. Would he much rather be hanging out with his dad and his mom and his dog? Probably.

My favorite band at the moment is the Dresden Dolls, they're from Boston. It's a guy and a girl. She plays piano and he plays the drums and she also sings. You can find them on the web they're incredible.

You get caught up in a cycle at some point, so I broke the cycle and decided; I'm going to really write a lot of books, because I need to get in touch with that part of myself in order to make more music.

I went to art school and interned at DC, and then did the band. When that stuff comes up, you've gotta embrace it and run with it for as long as you can, and I did. I did that for as long as I felt I could.

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