The Lord Jesus sits in heaven, ruling over all, and causing all things to work for his children's good.

God is well pleased when all our actions proceed from love, love to Himself, and love to immortal souls.

We can preach the Gospel of Christ no further than we have experienced the power of it in our own hearts

Works? Works? A man get to heaven by works? I would as soon think of climbing to the moon on a rope of sand!

O turn to Him [Jesus Christ], turn in a sense of your own unworthiness, and be not faithless, but believing.

What! Get to heaven on your own strength? Why, you might as well try to climb to the moon on a rope of sand!

For it pleased God, after he had made all things by the word of his power, to create man after his own image.

Let us, therefore, not be weary of well-doing; for we shall reap an eternal harvest of comfort, if we faint not.

Be content with no degree of sanctification. Be always crying out, "Lord, let me know more of myself and of thee."

It is a poor sermon that gives no offense; that neither makes the hearer displeased with himself nor with the preacher.

Dare, dare, my dear brethren in Christ, to follow the Captain of your salvation, who was made perfect through sufferings

Oh let us continually keep faith in exercise, till it be entirely swallowed up in the boundless ocean of beatific vision.

The sinner can no more raise himself from the deadness of sin than Lazarus, who had been dead four days, until Jesus came.

The fall of man is written in too legible characters not to be understood: Those that deny it, by their denying, prove it.

Let my name die everywhere, let even my friends forget me, if by that means the cause of the blessed Jesus may be promoted

The care of the soul is 'a matter of the highest importance;' beyond any thing which can be brought into comparison with it.

Let us...once and forever put an end to that lie which says that Calvinism and an interest in evangelism are not comparable.

God, give me a deep humility, a well-guided zeal, a burning love and a single eye, and then let men or devils do their worst!

I got more true knowledge from reading the Book of God in one month, than I could ever have acquired from all the writings of men.

Though you have sinned much, that is no reason why you should despair, but only why you should love much, having so much forgiven.

For in Jesus Christ there is neither male nor female, bond nor free; even you may be the children of God, if you believe in Jesus.

Nothing is more generally known than the duties which belong to christianity; and yet, how amazing is it, nothing is less practised?

Nothing is more generally known than our duties which belong to Christianity; and yet, how amazing is it, nothing is less practiced?

You might as reasonably expect to find a living man without breath, as a true Christian without the spirit of prayer and supplication.

Following Christ means following him through life, following him in every word and gesture, following him out of one clime into another.

Man is nothing: he hath a free will to go to hell, but none to go to heaven, till God worketh in him to will and to do his good pleasure.

Had I a hundred hands, I could employ them all. The harvest is very great. I am ashamed I can do no more for him who has done so much for me.

If you are going to walk with Jesus Christ, you are going to be opposed ... In our days, to be a true Christian is really to become a scandal.

It is an undoubted truth that every doctrine that comes from God, leads to God; and that which doth not tend to promote holiness is not of God.

Various are the pleas and arguments which men of corrupt minds frequently urge against yielding obedience to the just and holy commands of God.

You see, my brethren, my heart is full; I could almost say it is too big to speak, and yet too big to be silent, without dropping a word to you.

You blame me for weeping, but how can I help it when you will not weep for yourselves, though your immortal souls are on the verge of destruction.

I have just put my soul as a blank into the hand of Jesus, my Redeemer, and desired Him to write on it what He pleases; I know it will be His image.

Oh that I was lowly in heart! Honor and dishonor, good report and evil report would then be alike, and prove a furtherance to me in my Christian cause.

O my brethren, my heart is enlarge towards you. I trust I feel something of that hidden, but powerful presence of Christ, whilst I am preaching to you.

All I can say is I look for perpetual conflicts and struggles in this life, and I hope for no other peace, only a cross, while on this side of eternity.

As for the extraordinary operations of the Holy Ghost, such as working of miracles, or speaking with divers kinds of tongues, they are long since ceased.

Thus was the King and the Lord of glory judged by man's judgment, when manifest in flesh: far be it from any of his ministers to expect better treatment.

True repentance will entirely change you; the bias of your souls will be changed, then you will delight in God, in Christ, in His Law, and in His people.

When you hear of a notorious sinner, instead of thinking you do well to be angry, beg of Jesus Christ to convert, and make him a monument of his free grace.

This discourse, and the present frame of my mind, lead me rather to speak to those, who by feeling Satan's fiery darts, know assuredly that there is a devil.

The riches of His free grace cause me daily to triumph over all the temptations of the wicked one, who is very vigilant, and seeks all occasions to disturb me.

The renewal of our natures is a work of great importance. It is not to be done in a day. We have not only a new house to build up, but an old one to pull down.

Our food and our rest, our trades and our labors, are to be attended to, and all the offices of humanity performed in obedience to the will of God, for the glory of Christ.

But he is unworthy the name of a minister of the gospel of peace, who is unwilling, not only to have his name cast out as evil, but also to die for the truths of the Lord Jesus.

Lord Jesus, I am weary in Thy work, but not of it. If I have not yet finished my course, let me go and speak for Thee once more in the field, seal Thy truth, and come home to die.

The reason why congregations have been so dead is, because they had dead men preaching to them. O that the Lord may quicken and revive them! How can dead men beget living children?

Among the many reasons assignable for the sad decay of true Christianity, perhaps the neglecting to assemble ourselves together, in religious societies, may not be one of the least.

Although believers by nature are far from God, and children of wrath, even as others, yet it is amazing to think how nigh they are brought to him again by the blood of Jesus Christ.

The righteousness of Jesus Christ is one of those great mysteries, which the angels desire to look into, and seems to be one of the first lessons that God taught men after the fall.

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