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The scalded head feares cold water.
Foolish tongues talke by the dozen.
Good is god, but better carries it.
Love and businesse teach eloquence.
Thursday come, and the week's gone.
Never had ill workeman good tooles.
Sometimes the best gain is to lose.
God provides for him that trusteth.
Still fisheth he that catcheth one.
A Tyrant is most tyrant to himselfe.
Hee that comes of a hen must scrape.
Cities seldome change Religion only.
Craft against craft makes no living.
The morning Sunne never lasts a day.
An old cat sports not with her prey.
The table robbes more then a thiefe.
The tongue talkes at the heads cost.
The vertue of a coward is suspition.
He that is angry at a feast is rude.
He hath no leisure who useth it not.
He that is once borne, once must dy.
He that lives well sees a farre off.
Good service is a great inchantment.
Good swimmers at length are drowned.
To a great night, a great Lanthorne.
To deceive ones selfe is very easie.
Waight and measure take away strife.
You cannot know wine by the barrell.
Look not for musk in a dog's kennel.
God sends cold according to clothes.
Step by step the ladder is ascended.
Time is the rider that breaks youth.
A white wall is the paper of a foole.
After the house is finisht, leave it.
All are not merry that dance lightly.
As the yeere is, your pot must seeth.
Hee that keepes his owne makes warre.
Better to be blinde, then to see ill.
He that knows nothing doubts nothing.
The wind in ones face makes one wise.
Great business turns on a little pin.
In a good house all is quickly ready.
Every one hath a foole in his sleeve.
Every one thinkes his sacke heaviest.
Everyone puts his fault on the Times.
Faire language grates not the tongue.
Favour will as surely perish as life.
An idle head is a boxe for the winde.
Flies are busiest about leane horses.
Service without reward is punishment.