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Indeed, as long as a country has a culture a religion an ideology where Islam is dominant it will never be a democracy.
Eighty percent of those people with a passport from the Netherlands who go to Syria as jihadists are actually Moroccans.
Israel is a lighthouse and the only democracy in a dark and tyrannical region. It's part of us, of our European identity.
There is no equality between our culture and the retarded Islamic culture. Look at their views on homosexuality or women.
We must have the courage to restrict legal immigration instead of expanding it, even if we sometimes have to build a wall.
If I stop or moderate my voice, people who use or threaten violence against democracies would win. I will never let them win.
We must never give a free hand to those who want to subjugate us, draw this line so that New York will never become New Mecca.
I don't have a problem with people from Slovakia and Lithuania. But I do have a problem with immigration from Islamic countries.
The Koran is a fascist book which incites violence. That is why this book, just like [Adolf Hitler's] Mein Kampf, must be banned.
I believe the Islamic ideology is a retarded, dangerous one, but I make a distinction. I don't hate people. I don't hate Muslims.
I have travelled a great deal - to Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt - and can very well differentiate between moderate Muslims and Islam.
A country without a border is like a person in a house without a front door. Anybody can enter and you cannot ask anybody to leave.
I'm not like the Brexiteers. I don't deny that we have to permit immigration and the right of establishment for capital and services.
Europe should be a continent of nation states who are free trading, with our own identities, not a bunch of Eurocrats nobody voted for.
We should start being intolerant to those who are intolerant to us. This is not modern logic, this is not extreme, this is common sense.
I cannot tell you who will be accompanying me and why, because that would only make myself more vulnerable. So I will not talk about that.
The message, 'stop Islam, defend freedom,' is a message that's not only important for the Netherlands but for the whole free Western world.
I make a clear distinction between the people and the ideology, between Muslims and Islam, recognizing that there are many moderate Muslims.
I believe a real democracy can only flourish when you have your own nation state, your own identity, even your own flag you can rally around.
Wake up, Christians of Tennessee. Islam is at your gate. Do not make the mistake which Europe made. Do not allow Islam to gain a foothold here.
I believe I have an important message and we are fighting the same fight, which is the fight for freedom in Australia, in Holland and in Europe.
If you are in Holland, be careful not to say tomorrow that you don't like French, German or Swedish food or people, you could be called a racist.
I'm very thankful to live in a country where the government provides my protection - many police and armored cars and safe houses and things like that.
We should wake up and tell ourselves: You're not a xenophobe, you're not a racist, you're not a crazy guy if you say, 'My culture is better than yours.'
I am more on a global jihad to preserve our freedom. I believe that even though I have nothing against the people or Muslims or anybody for that reason.
We want the Netherlands to leave the E.U., join EFTA and, like Switzerland, negotiate bilateral trade agreements with the E.U. and the rest of the world.
I believe that Muslims that are in our society today are of course equal as anybody else, as long as they adhere to our laws, to our constitution, to our values.
Studies from universities in Holland and Berlin confirm that 80 percent of Muslims in the Netherlands believe it is a heroic deed to travel to Syria as a fighter.
If [Moroccans born in Holland] commit serious crimes - I believe we should strip them indeed of the Dutch nationality and send them back to Morocco as Morocco does.
I never would like to be a country that is that multicultural that, for instance, the Islamic values become more dominant. We should not do that. We should stop that.
When somebody has dual citizenship and commits a crime, his Dutch passport should be revoked and he should be deported to the other country, even if he was born here.
I spoke in the United States of America and in Canada and other countries already have good results with immigration, that it cannot be compared everything to Europe.
I believe that politicians have a public trust to further debates about important issues. I firmly believe that every public debate holds the prospect of enlightenment.
Excluding certain problems from the political debate by making it a crime to discuss them won't lead to the disappearance of these concerns, let alone contribute to a solution.
We are one of the most tolerant societies in the world, and in order to stay tolerant, my party believes that we should stop being tolerant to the people who are intolerant to us.
You can remain friends, even without EU membership. The Prüm Convention, according to which data for combatting crime is exchanged, is a good example of international cooperation.
I know where we today in Europe have enormous influx of... in the last decades of people from Islamic countries, that our society has changed. That it has worsened for that reason.
There is no radical or moderate Islam. There is only one Islam and that is the Islam from the Koran, the holy book. That is the Islam from Mohammed. There are no two sorts of Islam.
I don't want to get involved in Australian politics. You are a democracy, and Australian people should decide who they will vote for and I'm not mingling or interfering in that all.
The Moroccan scum in Holland... once again not all are scum... but there is a lot of Moroccan scum in Holland who make the streets unsafe, mostly young people... and that should change.
We can never allow people who use nondemocratic means, people who use violence instead of arguments, people who use knives instead of debates, we can never allow them to set the agenda.
I'm not talking about the people. I have nothing against the people. I have nothing against the Indonesian people or the Arab people or the Muslim people. I'm talking about the ideology.
Politicians like Prime Minister David Cameron have lost all sense of reality. The people have seen how billions were spent on Greece and Turkey, on deals with Erdogan or for asylum seekers.
If you are a Morocco citizen with a dual nationality, if you commit a crime in Morocco you are stripped Moroccan nationality and send to our own country. We can learn from them in that respect.
You see crime and you see all [ sharia] things happening, unfortunately all over Europe, because of (a) the mass immigration, but (b) also because of we politicians are not able to deal with it.
I do not believe in genetic causes; I am miles away from there. I believe rather that all people who embrace our [european] values, our laws and our constitution are full members of our society.
I hope - I'm a democrat. I'm a democratically elected politician from the Netherlands representing one of the major parties in Holland - I hope that I will be able to talk and to discuss with people.
If the Jews are denied the right to live in freedom and peace, soon we will all be denied this right. If the light of Israel is extinguished, we will all face darkness. If Israel falls, the West falls.
A key difference between Christianity and Islam is that Muslims believe that the Koran contains verbatim the word of God; it is written in the imperative. This precludes a comparison with Christianity.
We have an enormous support within the Dutch public. One million people voted for my party.If we would've been extreme, we would've got 0.01 per cent of the vote. We got more than 10 per cent of the vote.