Men are terrified of their sexuality. They're all afraid of impotence.

Selfless giving is being nice and there are times we don't want to be.

It is necessary to have a strong focus. Work will give you that focus.

It's important to remember that there are countless views in infinity.

When you think an angry thought about someone, it's like hitting them.

The top of the band would be happiness, contentment and peace of mind.

Love all your different sides, only then will immortality come to you.

So I went off on my own and started the process of spiritual teaching.

From the Far Eastern perspective, 29 is considered a very special age.

Winning begins at home. It begins with your thoughts and your actions.

Tragedy brings us closer to ourselves - it's the only thing that does.

Power comes from leading a controlled life, a happy life, a perky life.

There is no way to measure it ... because there's no one to measure it.

School was a strange place where they tried to make you into something.

Meditate and bath in the light of eternity. Nothing else is worthwhile.

Learn to meditate. It's fun. It will give you a strong, wonderful mind.

Allow the inherent emptiness within what you are about to do direct you.

Humility means you're willing to give someone a bigger slice of the pie.

Purity is light. Not just an ordinary light, but a transcendental light.

Tonight is not the end of the world. This is our hot tip of the evening.

I'm not exactly sure where we are, but I'm confident of where we're not.

Men have reacted very negatively to the power that is inherent in women.

Fix your awareness gently on the center of your chest. Try to feel love.

Tantra is quicker; but for some people it can be spiritually disastrous.

The only loser who walks away from a wise man is the one who walks away.

Personal power is the ability to enter into different planes of reality.

When there's nothing but humility, there's nothing but spiritual oneness.

When you admire others, you become one with them and the world loves you.

Neither is detrimental, but the mystical kundalini is a bit more raucous.

Enlightenment is represented by Sri Krishna, who is said to be an avatar.

This kind of love doesn't work very well, it destorys the nature of love.

In the yoga of love, one has a teacher. It is the teacher whom one loves.

It takes a lot of energy to manipulate someone and keep them on a string.

In Tantric Zen there is no rule. There is only your immediate experience.

Anything but enlightenment is pure pain; it is the lack of enlightenment.

Countless forms make up this network. In this world, there are few of us.

To love is to be balanced, to extend one's self beyond the sense of self.

Dharma is another name for existence. It is existence in its purest form.

Nirvana bears no resemblance to anything in your current perceptual field.

The ego seeks fame and fortune. Humility doesn't seek at all - it accepts.

Change is continuous and the aggregate of the self is constantly shifting.

As you learn to love the company of the holy, your heart will become pure.

Get real. Life is heavy. It's difficult. It's complex...even for the wise.

Beyond the parameters of the self is an ocean ... and it's most excellent.

Selfless giving does not imply superiority. Selfless giving is about love.

I think I'm on an angle. I'm on an oblique angle through all of existence.

The nagual doesn't give you the ability to get what you want in the tonal.

In Buddhism balance is the most difficult thing, because it is overlooked.

The things you see are real, but they are not a complete seeing - Samsara.

Mysticism is the acceptance that everything cannot be logically explained.

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