Twist my Body like the Exorcist.

It feels so good to tell the truth.

Put out great music, and that's that

Put out great music, and that's that.

My purpose is far greater than my pain

My purpose is far greater than my pain.

To find a prince, you gotta kiss some toads.

I love Harlem, it's like a second home to me.

I'm willing to do whatever I need to do to change.

I was falsely arrested twice, slandered and defamed.

Being in jail, it's humbled me in a way I never imagined.

The only crime I'm guilty of is being a young black woman.

I'd go down in history for being the most revealing nun ever!

I came out even with all the struggles I endured on Rikers Island.

I did almost a year in prison, a year in prison, just because my name is Foxy Brown.

I am racing to the studio the moment that God affords me the opportunity to hear again.

I'm cut from a different cloth. I would never moon someone. I was raised in a good family.

I'm not at every party; I'm not seen everywhere. That's why people still care about my brand.

My life needed to be saved. Not just Foxy. That's my character. That's my work. Inga is a person.

I'm a child of the Women's Movement. I always believed that I could do anything. That women didn't have to be limited in any way.

I devoted my career to building an affinity with my fans who have supported me unflinchingly and no barbed wire fence or prison wall will stop that.

32 grams raw, chop it in half, get 16. Double it times three, we got 48. Which mean a whole lot of cream. Divide the profit by four. Subtract it by eight. We back to 16.

All my friends were in the park smoking weed and getting pregnant. I didn't want to be the young black girl having a baby, a baby's father, being on welfare. That wasn't going to be my story.

My family never missed a visit in eight months, ever. I cried coming out. I didn't cry coming in. There's a big difference. I believe that God put me there for a reason, Incarceration is serious

My family never missed a visit in eight months, ever. I cried coming out. I didn't cry coming in. There's a big difference. I believe that God put me there for a reason, Incarceration is serious.

The Foxy character and Inga Marchand are two different people. My fiance calls me Inga. No one around me calls me Foxy. I go to church every Sunday. I go to Bible study every Friday night. I'm saved.

I've never stabbed, hurt, killed, stolen, anything, but I went to jail for a year. What is that? My pastor said to me the fact that I'm not living under a bridge as a crazy woman, talking to myself, is amazing.

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