Day to day, I always wear eyeliner on my top lid and mascara. I like to do my own makeup, it depends on the event.

Those moments when you don't feel self-conscious, when you escape that, are when you produce something meaningful.

I make all my decisions by listening to my instinct and then keeping my fingers crossed it will lead to a good place.

I always hope for roles that have some depth and that I can get my teeth into and that will challenge me, in some way.

I think it's absolutely about time that we have as many female leads as male. It's a very exciting time to be an actress.

I did think that acting would be much more like being a pop star. Now I'm here, I can't think of anything more different.

I usually have two or three books on the go at the same time. If I'm in different moods, I want to read different things.

I've always been a feminist, and what I love in my work is being able to explore a full-sided woman and not patronize her.

I put every ounce of myself into my work, but also it's important that I don't miss every single wedding of my best friends.

I was into Virginia Woolf and James Joyce [at university] and I think we all thought that [Charles] Dickens wasn't that cool.

I think there is an enormous appetite for great roles for women. You can see that clearly with things like 'The Hunger Games.'

Fashion choices are never arbitrary. Even if you say you don't care, that's a decision. There's something you're trying to say.

I use SPF every day, then apply foundation, mascara, eyeliner and blusher. I always take my make-up off at night and moisturize.

I love the Spider-Man story. I watched the cartoon on TV when I was a kid, and my brother wore his Spider-Man pyjamas everywhere.

When you're believing in the person that you're playing, you feel protected. It's about being true to that person you're playing.

You have to have a bag of Yorkshire Tea bags. It is the best tea that England has to offer, and that comes with me everywhere I go.

I actually always had short hair as a kid, and it's really liberating. I recommend it. It's just very easy. I don't have to brush it.

I feel like with acting it's not like you make a choice - it's kind of in you and you have to do it or you wouldn't be able to survive.

I think in every character there are aspects of yourself that you bring to it. But then it would be really boring to just play yourself.

Of everything I have done, 'The Archers' always gets the most excitement; there's a sort of uncontrollable joy from fans of the program.

I cry at the end of every episode of "Girls." I'm just so overwhelmed by the truthfulness with which [Lena Dunham] conveys human nature.

If the part isn't always there on the page, I've had good relationships with writers where there's an openness to bring more to the role.

I'm small. I'm petite. But I'm a bit of a fighter inside. In my work I fight for, I hope, showing women in a true way. They've got brains.

I was a very rotund child with short hair, and for some reason, I always had black ballet shoes. I was like the Wednesday Addams of ballet.

My mother [was in advertising and] worked incredibly hard when she was bringing us up. She was a working mother and a working single parent.

The British vice is overthinking before we speak, which is really annoying. I love the way that, in America, people are more straightforward.

Often the last thing I want to do is stand up in front of 50 cameras on the red carpet. I'd rather have a cup of hot milk and an early night.

You have to be brave and not always play likeable people. It's difficult, because there's a demand for the hero or heroine to be very likeable.

In a way, 'Like Crazy' keys into our generation, this idea of now we can still be in communication. Where do the boundaries of relationships end?

When you're a skateboarder or a snowboarder, it affects the way you talk, the way you move, the way you interact with the world and other people.

When you're a young actor, there's this pressure to rush. But I hope to be doing this into my sixties and seventies, so I'd prefer to take my time.

I don't think my parents would have let me go straight into acting full time when I was 12. I do like to have balance, naturally, as an individual.

I'm not really massively into going out. I'm much more of a hibernator. It's nice to have people come to your house or go to someone's house, I think.

I was a tomboy running around in the garden. I used to play on a local cricket team. I grew up with all boy cousins, for the most part, and my brother.

I have a great plain blue shirt from APC, and a denim one from Dolce that I wear constantly. It's hard to find the perfect denim shirt, but this is it.

I love moments in film where there's no dialogue, and somebody communicates something with a look that kills you. That's why I love going to the cinema.

It's funny how seeing a love story never gets boring, because it's the dream, isn't it? It's the dream to have a true connection with another human being.

I'd studied English literature at university, but I was also far more enamored with Virginia Woolf, Katherine Mansfield, and James Joyce. That was my passion.

I think that when something happens when you're growing up, like a death or divorce, it does open the world slightly because things aren't as straightforward.

I like to jump into different worlds. I'm attracted to the emotional rollercoaster of acting. Now I've been doing it for so many years, I must rather enjoy it.

I'm very excited that I can get on a skateboard and skateboard down the street now. That was something I never thought I'd be able to do. I conquered my fears.

I'm obsessed with subtexts. I love that we often don't say what we feel. That gap between the two. I like it when actors reveal a lot without having to say it.

I always take off my makeup. My mother always told me to do this, and I never go to bed without doing it. I use a good moisturizer and Mario Badescu face wash.

It was lucky that Ralph [Fiennes] is someone who understands both film and theater and we were able to understand that scene so well before we took it to the set.

You just have to take these opportunities when they come along. They're not that frequent; you'll get a really good script, oh, maybe once a year if you're lucky.

I always wear the shoes of the character a week before going on set; the idea of just putting on a new pair of shoes on the first day of filming is just horrific.

London is my home. I miss my family so much; it's hard being away. And I miss salt and vinegar crisps. And Marmite. And good fudge. Oh my God. Clotted cream fudge.

I think you're attracted to things that are different from yourself in a character because it's more interesting, and you get to play out a fantasy version of yourself.

It can be very intense being an actor; it can be quite a small world. Then you speak to your friend who is a scientist and they have a completely different perspective.

But since doing the film ["The Invisible Woman"] I've really learned to appreciate [Charles Dickens], he's phenomenal. "Great Expectations" would be one of my favorites.

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