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I guess the definition of a lunatic is a man surrounded by them.
When two men in business always agree, one of them is unnecessary.
It is the business of the artist to make humanity aware of itself.
Here is our poetry, for we have pulled down the stars to our will.
America, my country, is almost a continent and hardly yet a nation.
If a nation's literature declines, the nation atrophies and decays.
Use no word that under stress of emotion you could not actually say.
Fundamental accuracy of statement is the ONE sole morality of writing.
Somebody said that I am the last American living the tragedy of Europe.
Use no superfluous word, no adjective, which does not reveal something.
Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a 'country run by Jews,'
A great age of literature is perhaps always a great age of translations.
The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet black bough.
I desired my dust to be mingled with yours Forever and forever and forever.
Genius... is the capacity to see ten things where the ordinary man sees one.
What matters is not the idea a man holds, but the depth at which he holds it.
Compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in sequence of a metronome.
A general loathing of a gang or sect usually has some sound basis in instinct.
The worst mistake I made was that stupid, suburban prejudice of anti-Semitism.
Colloquial poetry is to the real art as the barber's wax dummy is to sculpture.
'Tis the white stag, Fame, we're a-hunting, bid the world's hounds come to horn!
What matters most is not the idea, but the capacity to believe in it completely.
Learn of the green world what can be thy place In scaled invention or true artistry
The history of an art is the history of masterwork, not of failures, or mediocrity.
When words cease to cling close to things, kingdoms fall, empires wane and diminish.
Almost any fool can paint an academy picture, and any imbecile can shoot off a Kodak.
Poetry is about as much a 'criticism of life' as red-hot iron is a criticism of fire.
Great literature is simply language charged with meaning to the utmost possible degree.
The art of letters will come to an end before A.D. 2000. I shall survive as a curiosity.
Nothing written for pay is worth printing. Only what has been written against the market.
No man understands a deep book until he has seen and lived at least part of its contents.
Pay no attention to the criticism of men who have never themselves written a notable work.
Wars in old times were made to get slaves. The modern implement of imposing slavery is debt.
There is no reason why the same man should like the same books at eighteen and at forty-eight
I could I trust starve like a gentleman. It's listed as part of the poetic training, you know.
Consider the way of the scientists rather than the way of an advertising agent for a new soap.
With Usura With usura hath no man a house of good stone each block cut smooth and well fitting.
The real trouble with war (modern war) is that it gives no one a chance to kill the right people.
The difference between a gun and a tree is a difference of tempo. The tree explodes every spring.
Religion, oh, just another of those numerous failures resulting from an attempt to popularize art.
Adolf Hitler was a Jeanne d'Arc, a saint. He was a martyr. Like many martyrs, he held extreme views.
The Image is more than an idea. It is a vortex or cluster of fused ideas and is endowed with energy.
Any general statement is like a check drawn on a bank. Its value depends on what is there to meet it.
People find ideas a bore because they do not distinguish between live ones and stuffed ones on a shelf.
There is no topicmore soporific and generally boring than the topic of Ireland as Ireland, as a nation.
Real education must ultimately be limited to men who insist on knowing, the rest is mere sheep-herding.
Sumer is icumen in, Lhude sing cucc. Groweth sed, and bloweth med, And springth the wude nu, Sing cuccu!
Good writers are those who keep the language efficient. That is to say, keep it accurate, keep it clear.
I have always thought the suicide should bump off at least one swine before taking off for parts unknown.
Speak against unconscious oppression, Speak against the tyranny of the unimaginative, Speak against bonds.