Sometimes defenders kick me without the ball and I don't say anything and no one sees.

I am still adapting to London life, but England was always a country that 'interested me.

Derby day in Buenos Aires is completely crazy and those sort of experiences have shaped me.

When you focus on the important things and keep your head, that's when good things will come to you.

Football is football but life is life. I am so happy at being a father and reaching the Champions League final.

It's down to me to be fit and in form. You're not guaranteed a place just because you cost a certain amount of money.

Tottenham are a big 'European club so it is normal that we are one of the main candidates for the Europa League 'title.

London is a beautiful city with many places of interest, but I am a player and it is not easy to fit in too much tourism.

OK, I'm with my close family but I'm here to play football. I can't lie. If it weren't for that, I would be back in Argentina.

I was born to play football. I may have been taught to play but everybody is born for something and I was born to play football.

It's essential to be able to communicate in English, to talk to my team-mates and then in my personal life outside the football.

I have a lot of belief in myself and I am also someone who has a lot of faith in God. I get a lot of strength from my Catholicism.

Cars on the opposite side of the street seems strange to me but I am still in a phase where London is new and I am taking it day by day.

In Italy, after a few defeats, it's quite common for the team to have to stay at the training ground for a few days, rather than go home.

I could have stayed in Argentina but because I wanted to grow as a player, I went to Italy. I had the same idea in my mind when I came to Tottenham.

My mentality is that I play football to win. You have to do everything you can to win. The most important thing is that you leave nothing out there on the pitch.

The Premier League is so competitive so we have to be very attentive, very focused and not relax in any way - especially when it is thought to be a winnable game.

When you've played at a club like River, who are a massive, massive club in Argentina - and Roma, the same, in Italy - you learn how to deal with the pressure. After that, you can live with anything.

When I was young I used to watch the Premier League and of course I knew of Tottenham because of Ossie Ardiles and Ricky Villa. I speak more with Ossie because I see him more at the training ground than Ricky.

As an individual I have personal ambitions - scoring goals, giving as many assists as I can but also working hard for the team and doing a job in defence as well. My 'ambitions are for the team and what we can achieve as a whole.

As a youngster in South America, there is more chance to express your talent, without thinking too much about formations and tactics. Football over here is much more tactical, so when you come to Europe, you have to learn a lot about these aspects.

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