hate is cancer of the soul!

loneliness has its own needs!

jealously lives with insecurity!

restrictions create frustrations!

jokes are used to hide the truth!

desire is a beast that must be fed!

safety and love are both illusions!

Resentment makes anything possible.

common sense is the enemy of romance

no expectations, no disappointments!

only a fool would argue with a fool!

anger and jeaously are first cousins!

not all thoughts have to become words!

hate is a virus, revenge its only cure!

we shed the skins of who we used to be!

not keeping a promise is the same as lying!

you're just a side dish not the main course!

every day a million miracles begin at sunrise!

don't take many words to break a fragile heart!

I wish I had met you first. Before we met them.

best way to deal with fear is to face the nightmare!

we're all wounded in some way, im just tryin to heal!

intelligence is always intimidating to those who aren't!

changing horses doesn't mean the ride'll get any better!

If you're craving oatmeal cookies, apple sauce won't do.

we can do anything when we decide to win no matter what!

sleepin with strangers will have you waking with enemies!

a full moon is a flashlight so everyone can see your drama!

early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable!

You want to put a band-aid on something that needs stitches.

wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to temptation!

Even the righteous man is just a sinner living in between sins.

nothings promised, not the rest of tonight, not all of tomorrow!

can't blame a man for being human when human is all he'll ever be!

when you're honest with yourself, often times you betray someone else!

hate isn't healthy, it damages the hater more than the one who's hated!

love is a mental illness, an obsessive-compulsive disorder romanticized!

We see what we want to see. We idealize each other with our own fantasies.

Love is for the soul and sex is for the body. Both cry out for satisfaction

wisdom ain't seeing what's in your face, but recognizing what's about to come!

It’s scary telling someone you care about, someone you love who you really are.

We're all living contradictions, trying to survive in a world filled with hypocrites

marriage is when a man stops disappointing many women and focuses on disappointing one!

But sometimes living in denial was the only way to keep a man from going on a killing spree.

Its impossible to explain creativity. It's like asking a bird, 'How do you fly?' You just do.

the only perfect people are dead people, because their the only ones who can't make mistakes!

I deserved to find pleasure that surpassed my imagination, better than any I had experienced.

It's impossible to explain creativity. It's like asking a bird, 'How do you fly?' You just do.

Every man kills the things that he loves. Some with a look, some with flattery, the coward with a kiss.

it takes as long as three generations of hard work, three generations of sacrifice to correct the wrong!

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