The bottom line is in heaven!

The world belongs to the articulate.

Politeness is the poison of collaboration.

Don't do anything that someone else can do.

Anything worth doing is worth doing to excess.

Colour is always a consequence, never a cause.

The present is the past biting into the future.

Creativity is the sudden cessation of stupidity.

Do not do anything that anyone else can do readily.

Marketing is what you do when your product is no good.

Industry is best at the intersection of science and art.

Any problem can be solved using the materials in the room.

Any problem can be solved as long as it is stated properly.

Science is a method to keep yourself from kidding yourself.

One of the best ways to keep a great secret is to shout it.

An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail.

I don't mind conducting the orchestra if I can play the violin.

Someone is going to make your product obsolete. Make sure it's you.

It's not that we need new ideas, but we need to stop having old ideas.

You must expect failure after failure after failure before you succeed.

Profundity and originality are attributes of single, if not singular, minds.

A mistake is a future benefit, the full value of which is yet to be realized.

The most important thing about power is to make sure you don't have to use it.

Don't undertake a project unless it is manifestly important and nearly impossible.

The second great product of industry should be the rewarding life for every person

There is no such thing as group originality, group creativity or group perspicacity.

The future may require not so much having a new idea as stopping having an old idea.

A mistake is an event, the full benefit of which has not yet been turned to your advantage.

[A Polaroid camera] places before you a thing that is more of the thing than the thing was.

Our society is changing so rapidly that none of us can know what it is or where it is going.

In a few wretched buildings, we created a whole new industry with international significance.

We can be dramatic, even theatrical; we can be persuasive; but the message we are telling must be true.

A significant inventionmust be startling, unexpected. It must come to a world that is not prepared for it.

Intense concentration for hour after hour can bring out resources in people that they didn't know they had.

It is a curious property of research activity that after the problem has been solved the solution seems obvious.

If you are able to state a problem - any problem - and if it is important enough, then the problem can be solved.

True creativity is characterized by a succession of acts each dependent on the one before and suggesting the one after.

It only takes a day to change someone from an anti-intellectual to an intellectual by persuading him that he might be one!

An invention that is quickly accepted will turn out to be a rather trivial alteration of something that has already existed.

You think that the only thing that counts is the bottom line! What a presumptuous thing to say. The bottom line is in heaven.

This is the most exciting part of being human. It is using our brains in the highest way. Otherwise we are just healthy animals

There's no scientist I know who wouldn't rather be a charlatan. And when circumstances allow you to be both, why it's great fun!

There's a rule they don't teach you at the Harvard Business School. It is, if anything is worth doing, it's worth doing to excess.

I submit to you that when in each man the dream of personal greatness dies, democracy loses the real source of its future strength.

I believe quite simply that the small company of the future will be as much a research organization as it is a manufacturing company.

Why do I want to believe what I believe?... Science, to put it somewhat vulgarly, is a technique to keep yourself from kidding yourself.

The test of an invention is the power of an inventor to push it through in the face of staunch-not opposition, but indifference-in society.

We live in a world changing so rapidly that what we mean frequently by common sense is doing the thing that would have been right last year.

We took on things which people might think would take a year or two. They weren't particularly hard. What was hard was believing they weren't hard.

The first thing you do is teach the person to feel that the vision is very important and nearly impossible. That draws out the drive in the winner.

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