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I remember touring the Medici palace in Florence when I was younger and I was entranced by the beauty and elegance of every space.
Jon has always been the romantic. He started dating before I did. I was more awkward and nervous in front of girls in high school.
When we were in high school, Jonathan would always try to embarrass me in front of girls, so I consider it my duty to pay him back.
In a bathroom choose a bold color pattern on the tile on a feature wall. Simple changes like that add a unique element that stands out.
Dream Home' is uncomplicated with everyday language that resonates with homeowners. We also included hundreds of never-before-seen images.
When a family buys a house, they know when it's the right one - the fixer upper where they can spend all their time and grow old together.
Real estate funded our first creative endeavors as teenagers and we were doing what we do long before the show 'Property Brothers' was pitched.
We're identical twins. We've done mostly everything together our entire lives. We own our companies together. As kids we were doing the same jobs.
Don't go and invest across the country somewhere that you don't know. Invest in a market that you know, because there are great areas in every city.
In the kitchen, go for two tone cabinets. Maybe the island is a complementary color - that generally doesn't cost any more money, but gives you a designer look.
I think one of the reasons why our brand has grown is because we never close any opportunity. We are open to anything and then we sort of move forward from there.
Whenever anyone puts decor or artwork on the walls, it's always personal. You want people to come into your home and see something that reflects your personality.
I am an organization freak. I am such a freak that in my closet, shoes, belts, ties - everything is color-coded and organized that way. Not a shoelace is out of place.
What if you get a job transfer? What if you lose your job? What if you have kids and you need a bigger home? Things change. You always have to be ready to roll with it.
I wanted to be an actor as a kid, and a lot of people would tell you to be realistic, but from a young age, our parents really realized that Jonathan and I were so driven.
What I've learned is, there's not just one way to achieve a goal. There can be obstacles along the way and it's how you learn from that that will really make you a success.
I think that's the main thing - when people watch TV and they can see that you're truly passionate about what you do, they can see it. They know it. And that's what they're drawn to.
We even have a music career. Our song 'Hold On,' charted on Billboard. I mean, we don't have aspirations to tour with Justin Bieber but we have a lot of different interests and talents.
You don't need to rip open walls to transform a space. One of the big things that count is furniture design and painting - things you can do yourself - that alone can transform the space.
We knew we were different, even from our elementary school days. We were the class clowns; we engaged with people differently. We knew there was something out there that was meant for us.
I think the best thing that Jonathan and I have done is… having really strong people working with us - our work environment and all of our employees and everybody, we're like one big family.
Take the time to educate yourself, whether you're house hunting, deciding on materials or looking for a lender. When homeowners jump into something blind, that's always when they make mistakes.
It's so important for people to have a space that they love, and that you wake up happy every morning in your house. A big part of that is what you have for your furniture, your art, your decor.
Building and tinkering were such a huge part of our childhood, whether we were trying to entertain ourselves as kids, helping our parents out on the ranch, or getting creative with school projects.
So way back, Jonathan and I were - we were entertainers as kids. We were actors; we did theater, musicals; we ended up getting into commercials and some TV spots. Actually, one of our jobs, we were clowns.
Even at 10 years old, Jonathan and I started saying things like, 'Hey, what about this for the property?' And I remember my parents saying, 'You're 10. What do you know about real estate? Go play with toys.'
At my house, I can operate pretty much everything from my phone. I can be anywhere in the world and adjust the temperature, check my security cameras and talk to people in the house. I can even turn on the TVs.
I don't believe in getting lucky, I never have - luck is actually being ready to take advantage of an opportunity when it arises because you have the skill set you need and the drive and determination to do it.
But it's funny growing up, because everyone treats you - as twins growing up, everyone treats you like you're one person a lot of times, which can be frustrating. But then I think we embraced that when we were young.
When I want to quickly take a measurement, I use my Stanley Laser Distance Measurer. You just put it on the wall, and it shoots a laser and instantly tells you the exact distance to the other wall within a fraction of an inch.
Looking into Linda's eyes when she walks down the aisle, and knowing that's the lady I'm going to be with for the rest of my life. I'm going to be crying like a fool. But I knew from the moment I met her that she was the one for me.
We call it 'demo therapy.' We're therapists on top of designers and contractors and real estate agents and we really sometimes have to push people past their comfort zone and show them what they like, they just didn't know that they like.
A lot of the country doesn't even know what Vegas is about. They think it's just the place you go for bachelor parties or casinos. There's so much more to the city and so many amazing neighborhoods, so to be able to showcase that is really cool.
It's always smart to know your market - what kind of buyers are looking in your neighborhood? What have other houses sold for in that area? Check out some of the open houses if possible and you'll start to learn about what people in that area value.
I think one of the big things with Jonathan and me is that, you know, we love to compete, but it's not a matter of competition to knock each other down. It's a matter of pushing each other to do better. And we've always been like that our whole life.
There are simple, small things you can do that really will impact the space. Things like changing out your curtain panels to something that adds a fresh new feel. Or maybe a smart pattern. Also swapping out an area rug, throws and pillows can be done in no time, and really have a dramatic effect.
I don't care about style, but I am a total clean freak, so a messy home is a deal breaker. I had one girlfriend who never wanted to go back to her place. When we finally did, it turned out that she was sleeping on her couch because her bedroom was so messy. That is a prime example of someone I don't want to be around.
Missing paperwork is one of the top reasons for delays during the mortgage process. I suggest following the two-by-two system: two most recent pay stubs, tax returns, W-2s from your employer, and bank statements from all of your savings and checking accounts. Be sure to remain clear and transparent, provide evidence of all forms of income.