I have kids. No more wives.

I am in the hot sauce business.

I actually don't like slasher movies.

It costs so much money to make a record!

You have to be great to get Doyle's seal of approval.

What scares me? Bears. And sharks. And my girlfriend.

I like to have my imagination get blown, like 'Aliens.'

I'm a horrible musician, but I've been fortunate enough to play great songs.

My dad was a boxer, so he was in pretty good shape, and we had weights around.

Needles. No needles for me, brother. I can't even watch when they get put into somebody else. I don't even get flu shots, none at all.

The only one I can play like is Johnny Ramone. I would love to be able to play like other great guitarists, but my mind doesn't work like that.

Yeah, you'd be surprised how many well known musicians have regular jobs. And yes, I'm a machinist. That's how I made my guitars - at a machine shop.

Jerry's my brother and Glenn is like my brother too. I've known Glenn since I was 11 years old. It's a good relationship and I get along with both of them.

If I was making motorcycles and they came and took one, would that be a crime? Why can't we punish people for stealing songs? There should be a $10,000 fine for that.

The thing that sucks the most about it is that everybody steals music. You spend thousands and thousands of dollars to make a record and all of these scumbags are just stealing it.

Watching monster movies as a kid, liking monsters, building monster models. TV shows like 'The Munsters,' 'Addams Family' and 'Twilight Zone.' It intrigued me. The music came from that.

I remember when John Carpenter made 'The Thing;' I saw that in the theater with the Necros. Both of our bands went and nobody said a word until it was over. That's the kind of thing I like.

Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to. It's just common sense that I learned the hard way - I keep touching the fire. I'll touch it even though you told me it's hot, even though it's burned me before.

My first influences for playing were Johnny Ramone and Jimmy Page, the same as everybody else. Joe Perry. The guys in Alice Cooper's band, whatever their names were. Mick Ronson from David Bowie. You know who really influenced me to write songs? Iron Maiden.

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