I'm very competitive and academic.

I love women. I love celebrating women.

I firmly believe there are no bad people.

Jessica Lange is my all-time favorite actress.

I love the snow! I actually cannot stand the beach.

I have been snowboarding since I was seven years old.

When I was a kid, I always wanted to dye my hair crazy colors.

I can't make eye contact when people sing 'Happy Birthday' to me.

Truthfully, I'm incredibly shy, and I'm very awkward around boys.

Kristin Chenoweth had been my personal idol since I was, like, 6 or 7.

'Liv and Maddie' is very near and dear to my heart. I'm very proud of it.

I have a lot of affection to give, and sometimes I'm a little overbearing.

'Hairspray' has never been irrelevant, which is, in some ways, heartbreaking.

As an actor, you are either emulating someone else, or some version of yourself.

Everything is just so much more romantic and real when it's yours and it's private.

I have always felt like I was just sort of waiting to catch up to the rest of myself.

Singing has been a passion of mine, equal to or greater than acting, ever since I was very small.

It's so crazy to meet people you've known about since you were many feet shorter than you are now.

I'm a really big fan of all things macabre in general; Halloween happens to be my favorite holiday.

I love 'Extreme Makeover Home Edition.' It feeds my Fantasy Dream Home monster that lives inside of me.

I had the poster of 'Hairspray' right above my bed. And I had the biggest crush on Zac Efron, of course.

The first CD I ever bought was Gwen Stafani's first solo album. She was the light of my life when I was 8.

Laziness in my biggest pet peeve of all time. Get up, make a plan, do the work, and love yourself, people!

I love my mom so much, and I always have, but I was definitely a monster to her a lot during my teen years.

Broadway was always sort of my trajectory before I found film and television - that would be really tremendous.

There is nothing like the buzz of singing one of your songs during a show and hearing your fans singing with you.

I believe one's responsibility as a role model begins and ends with their perception of what a good role model is.

Playing two people is definitely difficult, but it's made possible by everyone around me, and it's a big team effort.

I wore a $30 vintage wedding dress for my 8th birthday in an underground jazz club in Seattle. This was what I wanted.

There's no one who, at some point, hasn't had the feeling their life is on the rails and they can't do anything about it.

I'm not a huge party girl. When I turned 18, the thing I was most excited about was being able to vote for the first time.

I honestly think what skyrocketed me into professionalism was learning how to play two people and still live through the day.

When I was younger, I barely left my room because I was busy watching clips of my favorite actors and performers on the Internet.

I take 'signs' in my life as seriously as advice from family and friends or proven facts. The universe speaks through events, y'all!

My writers on 'Liv And Maddie' have started a running joke to try and sneak as many 'literally's into the script as they can to throw me.

I personally believe in progress. I think one of the most debilitating and harming things you can do to a child is to keep them in the dark.

'Liv and Maddie' didn't start out as a twin show. I actually played a different character in the beginning, and it was neither of the twins.

My absolute favorite thing about working on 'Liv and Maddie' is my cast and crew: the people that I spend almost every hour of every day with.

I'm never not planning for my future house. Most of the files on my laptop are devoted to different rooms in my dream house. I'm embarrassing.

I would love to do Broadway. That was my original aim, when I first started acting when I was 13. I wanted to do stage; I wanted to do musicals.

I don't know that there's any rhyme or reason to bullying... it's not even the bully's fault, which is why it's such a difficult thing to combat.

'Barely Lethal' is a non-Disney project, and is with Samuel L. Jackson, Hailee Steinfeld, and Jessica Alba. It is a really, really phenomenal film.

My mother is a poet/novelist, and my father was a pianist and cook. Both artists who colored my personality and brain in ways I'm still discovering!

I had the longest awkward phase. I had braces for 3 years; I cut my own bangs too far back and they looked like a bowl cut, and I broke my nose twice.

'Liv and Maddie' actually started out as a different show called 'Bits and Pieces,' and it was a completely different plot, although it was the same cast.

I think it works differently for everyone. Some people do amazing things with research, but for me, it just gets convoluted, and I start to think too much.

It's hard to be a teenager. It's lonely, and you feel like no one understands you. I think that's natural, and my mother let me have the space to feel that way.

Your average teenager can't relate to a girl who casts magic spells. But she does understand someone who is torn about her upbringing and the situation in her life.

One of my favorite things about working on 'Liv and Maddie' is the creative environment that has been designed for us by our lovely director, producers, and writers.

I made myself memorize how to spell antidisestablishmentarianism in under 3 seconds when I was 6 years old because my sister told me it was the longest word she knew.

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