Fate is for losers.


Shopping is Not Creating.

Wilcox Fate is for losers.

I don't understand beauty.

I've got 911 on speed dial.

There is no shame in impulse.

The past is a finite resource.

Quick. Name ten dead redheads.

Keep your treasure to yourself.

You're smarter than TV. So what?

A ring is a halo on your finger.

Purchased experiences don't count.

Technology favors horrible people.

The heart of a man is like deep water

Every single moment is a coincidence.

Adventure without risk is Disneyland.

My brain feels like a cool, deep lake.

I've never gone on Facebook or MySpace.

Eagles are seagulls with a good hairdo.

I think there is a Paris inside us all.

Star Trek characters never go shopping.

Christmas makes everything twice as sad.

When you crop the photo, you tell a lie.

What's a bar bill but a surtax on reality?

In our heads we're all about 33 years old.

I always thought of words as art supplies.

I'm agoraphobic. I can't deal with crowds.

Lottery tickets are a surtax on desperation.

Nobody likes being told who or what they are.

Most people can't handle a structureless life.

If you have an impulse to kindness, act on it.

At least when you're young you're also stupid.

Time erases both the best and the worst of us.

Feeling unique is no indication of uniqueness.

I think the killers get far too much attention.

Your body isn't just a body. It's an ecosystem.

Las Vegas is a SimCity game gone horribly wrong.

She went crazy with a calm face, justifiably so.

Only the disenfranchised can party with abandon.

If your life had lyrics, would they be any good?

Ten commandments yet seven deadly sins: conflict?

People will always choose more money over more sex

Any passion to collect has some meaning behind it.

Where does personality end and brain damage begin?

Beware of the corporate invasion of private memory.

If nothing else, we simply get used to being alive.

Los Angelenos dress like they've been focus-grouped.

I think social and moral disengagement is repugnant.

The 1990s felt like the 1990s in a real and good way.

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