Righteousness and generosity are inseparable. The person whose heart longs for God also longs to give to others.

The Lord watches over us every moment of every day. He is there--and He cares--about every step and every breath.

God is calling you to change the world one life at a time and one small step at a time. Begin today where you are.

Christianity is anything but safe. Jesus made clear that trouble and persecution stood in the future for His followers.

The problem with comparison is that you always feel either better than someone else or worthless compared to someone else.

Jesus came to give us life. We don't have to hang on a cross like he did. For him, it was a sacrifice. For us, it is a gift.

God repeatedly uses the least-likely and least-prepared individuals (ourselves included) to make the deepest impact on our world.

The applause of the audience is short-lived. When calls resound for an encore, we are called to direct our attention to our Master.

Even if God never did another good thing in our lives, we could spend the rest of this life praising Him for what He has already done.

Much of life appears mundane at the time. Yet in God's providence every moment includes significant details arranged by His divine hand.

God's road for us may not be one that appears successful from our human vantage point, yet serves as part of his divine plan to fulfill his purposes in our lives.

God saves us because He loves us. It has nothing to do with our goodness or nobility, our achievements or agility. Our salvation depends completely upon our Savior.

God has done more than I could ask or even imagine on more occasions than I could ever recount. His ways are higher than my ways. My ideas simply cannot compete with his.

On Church: Church wasn't designed by an architect (Technically, Jesus was a carpenter.). So why do we think of churches as buildings instead of groups of people who love Jesus?

Don't settle for helping those who will help you in return or doing a good deed for others to see. Help others without expecting anything back. Even if nobody else cares, God will notice.

Trust is tough. Once trust has been broken by multiple people on multiple occasions, believing in anyone or anything becomes increasingly difficult. Much of the skepticism of our world can be traced back to broken trust.

We often forget that calling for peace is the most courageous act we can take. It's easy to call for revenge, to claim injustice, and to launch an attack. It's much more difficult to forgive, to call for peace, to lay down weapons.

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