Sometimes I did three shows a day and I'd go to the gym. I was exercising excessively and cut out many meals.

I think whoever does sign up to 'Strictly,' I feel like it's such an amazing show because they want to be there.

As long as you're keeping your body active though, it doesn't have to be a long session at the gym to be effective.

I condition with Pilates and yoga; they're my two favourite things that I do, and they go hand in hand with dancing.

If I'm not doing 'Strictly,' I genuinely like to wake up and start with yoga, because it's good for the mind, not just the body.

As well as Pilates, I like doing little YouTube videos on my phone. Sometimes it can just be a five or 10 minute little workout.

I'm dancing with people I've never met before and there's definitely been times where maybe I haven't shaved or I hope I smell alright.

I would never have achieved what I've achieved now if I hadn't sorted myself out from the inside. It's all about who I am, not the way I look.

You can be whatever size and still look beautiful if you are radiating from the inside out, then people are going to think 'oh she looks gorgeous.

You get successful for the person that you are, not for the way you look. If you feel good, you can conquer the world, so you need to feel right inside.

I think as a dancer you are always wanting to look your best, like in an outfit, you want an outfit to look the best it can on you, meaning weight is a huge one for a lot of dancers… you are always wanting to look better, look thinner.

I try and keep my pictures as natural as possible and try not to use too many filters, because now, it is such a world of making everything look so perfect, that in fact, it is the imperfections in people that are really unique and special. So, I try and get that across to people.

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