Magic should get under people's skins.

I don't like big spiders in the house.

I never really enjoy the thought of fancy dress.

I'm probably a little shyer than people imagine.

I like to eat other people's food in restaurants.

I would like a bit of me - that’s how I put my back out!

In real life, when I can avoid anything stressful, I do.

I control the conditions so my testers become my testees.

Magic is not inherently anything. It is what you sell it as.

Hypnosis is just suggestibility; you see it in certain people.

Dull magic is a collection of tricks: great magic should sting.

Have your cake and eat it... there's no other reason to have a cake

Sometimes you need to be aware of the bigger picture you are missing.

For every moment of concentration there is an equal moment of relaxation.

In terms of self-esteem and confidence I think I'm generally quite healthy.

If you do magic, it's the quickest most fraudulent route to impressing people.

I'm very interested in how we take ownership of our own stories and our own lives.

I had no sense of 'Gotta work hard to be famous.' Never have done, and still don't.

Not everything is about causing controversy. That would be a very boring way to go.

Kindness and compassion aren't political qualities even though they get politicized.

As a performer you often feel that you're the child and everyone else is a grown-up.

If people have very big personalities, I find myself feeling I have nothing to offer.

A bedrock of insecurity made me want to impress and want to be the center of attention.

In my 20s, I just had to be the centre of attention all the time. I was quite eccentric.

Psychic, illusionist... I'm just doing the things that I find interesting and worthwhile.

There was something about me even at an early age that enjoyed charming and manipulating.

The desire to impress is an efficient means of bringing out one’s least impressive qualities.

Sexuality is often tied in with something you feel you lack in yourself and look for in others.

I once had Rachel McAdams over for lunch, when she was with Michael Sheen, who's a friend of mine.

Glenn Close is my favourite actress and she came to see the show in London once which was giddying.

Magic's quite a solitary pursuit - a thing you can do for hours and hours, getting better and better.

If you aim to be controversial for the sake of it you'd end up with a very thin and meaningless show.

We're terrible at realising what goes on in other people's heads because we are trapped inside our own.

So I don't really suffer too badly from fears - I'm quite happy to engender them in other people though!

I had a natural aptitude for wanting to be the centre of attention and a definite skill for annoying people.

...there is a fine line between wishing to produce child-like astonishment and treating people like infants.

When we find ourselves in groups or with charismatic individuals, we might do things we wouldn't ordinarily do.

Magic has both feet planted in cheap vaudeville and childish posturing; in dishonesty and therefore not in art.

I have a couple of dogs and I live with my partner. We just like to sit and read and I'm generally quite quiet.

I was allowed to do whatever made me happy. I can't think of a better or more worthwhile approach to parenting.

I've got a house full of taxidermy. It's like a museum. I have about 200 pieces in total, all ethically sourced.

To impress people as much as we would wish, we would first need to successfully adopt each of their value systems

I really do like being on stage. Compared to television I have a lot more control - it's a lot more relaxed and loose.

Few kids seek to learn a skill specifically designed to impress people unless they feel less than impressive themselves.

I don't want to be some extreme therapist. Although seeing someone's life change for the better is a really moving thing.

Liberating but hard to remember we're just bit-parts in the lives of people we know, who care very little for our secrets

I'm not very sociable. If I get invited to a glamorous event I probably won't go. That world does not really appeal to me.

I'm finally having my TV removed and replaced by a tropical fish tank, which I hope will provide more interesting viewing.

The process of coming out is normally very disappointing. It's not that people react badly to it - they really don't care.

I'm probably more persuasive than the next person if I want to be, but do I want to be? In my head, I just don't go there.

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