There are worlds of possibility inherent in our consciousness that can facilitate our own transformation. What future have you imagined for yourself?

Gregg Braden is a rare blend of a scientist, visionary, and scholar, with the ability to speak to our minds, while touching the wisdom of our hearts.

The gifts of caring, attention, affection, appreciation, and love are some of the most precious gifts you can give, and they don't cost you anything.

Meditation is all about connecting with your soul. Part of maintaining your well-being is taking the time to disconnect from the outside to go within.

So many things happen for every event, and if you try to manipulate it, it means you are struggling against the whole universe, and that's just silly.

Once you're more aware of people's needs, you can create action plans for others to follow. That way, you're responsible for your own well-being, too.

By creating an artificial environment, we're not stimulating our immune system enough. Germs are immune-stimulants. They challenge you to be prepared.

We need to build websites with celebrity speakers who talk about the ideals of fairness, sharing, democratic cooperation, and altruism in public life.

In the deepest realm of being, is the imagination of ourselves. What is your next evolutionary leap? What are you imagining, (for yourself) right now?

What other people think of you is not your business. If you start to make that business your business, you will be offended for the rest of your life.

When you do not have the basic requirements for survival and safety and belongingness and where there are huge inequities then fear turns into hatred.

Foods that are deep blue, purple, red, green, or orange are leaders in antioxidants and contain many nutrients that boost immunity and enhance health.

The power of intention is a critical factor in all areas of life. Simply by intending to create synchronicity in your life, you can nurture that result.

In moments of transcendence, when time stands still, your biological clock will stop. The spirit is that domain of our awareness where there is no time.

EVOLUTIONARIES is going to help create a worldview that will influence our vision ofthe future ... and also our role in consciously participating in it.

When we experience the power of the Self, there is an absence of fear, there is no compulsion to control, and no struggle for approval or external power.

The small things you do everyday- smiling at a stranger or paying someone a compliment -bring you closer to your spiritual truth , the purity of your soul

I like Muhammad a lot, because he's like us more than anybody else. Jesus is just so exalted, and Buddha is just so exalted, it's almost beyond our reach.

Had a powerful meditation just now - caused an earthquake in Southern California. Was meditating on Shiva mantra & earth began to shake. Sorry about that.

If all of the steps of surrender are present, then a great Rembrandt or Monet will evoke love because the artist is simply there in all his naked humanity.

The interesting thing is that you don't have to know the answers - simply asking the questions and your reflection itself causes the rewiring of the brain.

I'm finding myself very comfortable talking to medical audiences, and proving to them that underlying the material fields of the universe are force fields.

Although we take it for granted, sanitation is a physical measure that has probably done more to increase human life span than any kind of drug or surgery.

Ultimately spiritual awareness unfolds when you're flexible, when you're spontaneous, when you're detached, when you're easy on yourself and easy on others.

The highest levels of performance come to people who are centered, intuitive, creative, and reflective - people who know to see a problem as an opportunity.

We either allow our past to keep interfering with our optimal expression of love and happiness, or we can move beyond our past with renewed passion for life

If you and I are having a single thought of violence or hatred against anyone in the world at this moment, we are contributing to the wounding of the world.

To have a breakthrough, you must consciously connect with the invisible forces that are everywhere around you, urging you to go beyond your old conditioning.

It takes a little bit of mindfulness and a little bit of attention to others to be a good listener, which helps cultivate emotional nurturing and engagement.

Why are we here? We exist not to pursue happiness, which is fleeting, or outer accomplishment, which can always be bettered. We are here to nourish the self.

If insurance companies paid for lifestyle-management classes, they would save huge sums of money. We need to see that alternative medicine is now mainstream.

Freedom comes when you see the built-in contradiction of trying to manipulate something that is going right to begin with.... Stop trying to steer the river.

The highest intention comes from love and compassion ... when our intentions come from a place of love and compassion then we have the power of the universe.

All of us are living with dogmas that we accept as truths. When one of these is overturned, there's an initial gasp, soon followed by a rush of exhilaration.

The Self is not in the realm of thought. The Self is in the gap between our thoughts. The cosmic psyche whispers to us softly in the gap between our thoughts.

We have a pharmacy inside us that is absolutely exquisite. It makes the right medicine, for the precise time, for the right target organ—with no side effects.

Customs change with time, so it isn't fair to permit change only when you happen to approve of it but condemn change citing biblical authority when you don't.

There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle.

The healthiest people were those who didn't spend money that they hadn't earned, to buy things that they didn't need, to impress people that they didn't like.

In religion, the ego manifests as the devil. And of course, no one realizes how smart the ego is because it created the devil so you could blame someone else.

Because scientists know that all human beings do not age at the same rate, biological age is measured by how well one's physiological systems are functioning.

Access to your true essence will give you insight into the mirror of relationship, because all relationship is a reflection of your relationship with yourself.

When the material, psychological and spiritual dimensions are brought into balance, life becomes whole, and this union brings feelings of comfort and security.

Human beings are made of body, mind and spirit. Of these, spirit is primary, for it connects us to the source of everything, the eternal field of consciousness.

Life is a never ending miracle unfolding in every moment, and if we turn our attention to that silent presence in our heart, we can participate in that miracle.

I'm not recommending that you think positive thoughts. It's more about experiencing more emotions and feelings that make you feel more connected with the world.

Those trees are your lungs. The earth recycles as your body. The rivers recycle as your circulation. The air is your breath. So what do we call the environment?

No matter how closely you examine the water, glucose, and electrolyte salts in the human brain, you can't find the point where these molecules became conscious.

Meditation will change your life for the better, enhance your physical health, improve your sleep, and help you achieve your goals, both material and spiritual.

An atom is a hierarchy of different states of information that define the statistical likelihood of finding a particle here or there at the time of observation.

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