I love the British.

I won't ever do e-mail.

Every fear hides a wish.

No one enjoys being equal.

In Chicago, we love our crooks!

I like Bach. I like Randy Newman.

I don't really have a social life.

All of us. All of us. We're doomed.

People only speak to get something.

We all hope. It's what keeps us alive.

Our job, as writers is to do our jobs.

It's only words... unless they're true.

The essence of jiu-jitsu is philosophy.

It’s not a lie. It’s a gift for fiction.

I hate vacations. There's nothing to do.

When I started out I was a failed actor.

I'm responding to the will of the people.

All rhetorical questions are accusations.

It's upsetting to be a man in our society.

Opportunity may knock, but it seldom nags.

What I value most in my friends is loyalty.

Film is a collaborative business: bend over.

My alma mater is the Chicago Public Library.

I'm greedy and ambitious like everybody else.

You don't know what life is. You know nothing.

I've always been fascinated by the picaresque.

It's hard to write a good plot, it's very hard.

You can't rely on the acting to tell the story.

I was fortunate enough to have a rambling youth.

The audience requires not information but drama.

Put. That coffee. Down. Coffee's for closers only.

Everyone needs money. That's why they call it money

Get into the scene late; get out of the scene early.

Don't assume I'm dumb because I wear a suit and tie.

The quality I most admire in a man is steadfastness.

Train yourself for a profession that does not exist.

I've been alienating my public since I was 20 years old.

I'm not the guy to ask about politics. I'm a gag writer.

Show business is and has always been a depraved carnival.

Always tell the truth - it's the easiest thing to remember.

The correct unit of study is not the play; it is the scene.

There's something in me that just wants to create dialogue.

The true writer must write not the acceptable but the true.

Old age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance.

I'm afraid of only two things: being lazy and being cowardly.

The greater the intellect, the more ease in its misdirection.

Anyone ever lost in the wild knows that nature wants you dead.

In practice we, in the world, must do business with each other.

Almost all movie scripts contain material that cannot be filmed.

Worry is interest paid in advance on a debt that never comes due.

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