We are muddled into war.

It is either Christ or chaos.

Hitler is a prodigious genius.

One cannot cross an abyss in two jumps.

Liberty has restraints but no frontiers.

You cannot feed the hungry on statistics.

Wild men, screaming through the keyholes.

He is brilliant - to the top of his boots.

Believe me, Germany is unable to wage war.

You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps.

Sincerity is the surest road to confidence.

Diplomats were invented simply to waste time.

If you listen to the neverdo's, it's never done.

The finest eloquence is that which gets things done.

With me a change of trouble is as good as a vacation.

Death is the most convenient time to tax rich people.

If you want to understand a subject promise to speak on it.

The world is becoming like a lunatic asylum run by lunatics.

There is nothing so fatal to character as half finished tasks.

Wisdom is like a baobab tree; no one individual can embrace it.

A body of 500 men chosen at random from amongst the unemployed.

Neville [Chamberlain] has a retail mind in a wholesale business.

When they circumcised Herbert Samuel they threw away the wrong bit

Winston [Churchill] is the only remaining specimen of a real Tory.

There is nothing more dangerous than to leap a chasm in two jumps.

He has sat on the fence so long that the iron has entered his soul.

Aristrocracy is like cheese. The older it is the higher it becomes.

What is our task? To make Britain a fit country for heroes to live in.

Four specters haunt the poor - old age, accident, sickness and unemployment

Do not be afraid of taking a big step-you cannot cross a chasm in two steps.

The most dangerous thing in the world is to try to leap a chasm in two jumps.

The doctors are always changing their opinions. They always have some new fad.

It is always too late, or too little, or both. And that is the road to disaster.

Liberty is not merely a privilege to be conferred; it is a habit to be acquired.

Doctinaires are the vultures of principle. They feed upon principle after it is dead.

If you want to succeed in politics you must keep your conscience firmly under control.

The government are behaving like a bevy of maiden aunts who have fallen among buccaneers.

Of all the bigotries that savage the human temper there is none so stupid as the anti-Semitic.

Once blood is shed in a national quarrel reason and right are swept aside by the rage of angry men.

Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated. You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps.

By thetest of our faith thehighest standard ofcivilization is the readiness to sacrifice for others.

A politician is a person with whose politics you don't agree; if you agree with him he's a statesman.

A young man who isn't a socialist hasn't got a heart; an old man who is a socialist hasn't got a head.

You get to know more of the character of a man in a round of golf than in six months of political experience.

He [Hitler] is a very great man. "Fuhrer" is the proper name for him, for he is a born leader, yes, and statesman.

Great Britain would spend her last guinea to keep a navy superior to that of the United States or any other power.

If the people really knew [the truth] the war would be stopped tomorrow. But of course they don't know and can't know.

We are fighting Germany, Austria and drink, and as far as I can see, the greatest of these three deadly foes is drink.

Independent thinking is not encouraged in a professional Army. It is a form of mutiny. Obedience is the supreme virtue.

The man who tries to make the flag an object of a single party is a greater traitor to that flag than any man who fires at it.

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