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Christians are not perfect, and all of us do sin along the way. But genuine Christians hear His voice and follow Him.
Once we begin chasing approval, we never stop running. It's servitude to a thousand masters instead of one to please.
The universe is filled with the evidence of God's greatness. In awesome wonder we can consider the worlds He has made.
If you were to write your life motto, what would it say? Look out for number one? Or look out for the needs of others?
Loving the world destroys our relationship with God, it denies our faith in God, and it discounts our future with God.
The tomb was empty-the greatest security breach of all time.Yet that event gives lasting security to all God's people.
God's Word will never fall into disrepair. But here's what happens when we don't travel on it: We fall into disrepair!
The man who loves his wife above all else on earth gains the freedom and power to pursue other noble, but lesser, loves.
Satan can imitate God, but he cannot duplicate Him - God is the only One who can deliver us from our pain and suffering.
In a sense, we are better prepared to praise God than the angels are, for angels have never known the joy of redemption.
Angels are innumerable heavenly beings - immortal and invincible creations of God. He is the Lord of the hosts of heaven.
Only a relationship with Christ can satisfy our hearts. Without Him we have nothing. With Him we have all things to enjoy.
God appeared to His people in the Old Testament and dwelt with His people in the New - and now abides in us by His Spirit.
A journal is a great way to keep track of what happens daily in your walk with God and to record your prayers and thoughts.
God is no further from you on your worst day than He is on your best day. Just open your heart to receive Him and His love.
Live as a credible witness. If our actions don't line up with the message we're proclaiming, we risk losing our credibility.
Scripture suggests that meditating on the Word of God can have an always-on effect of peace and strength in difficult times.
If you need counsel, start with the One who is both Counselor and King - the One who is the source of both wisdom and power.
No Christian is abandoned at the moment of death. The angels are the ushers, and our passage to heaven is under their escort.
Your heavenly home was bought for a price, and that payment results in a title deed that can never be lost through foreclosure.
Marriage can either be a classroom where people become wiser and better, or a prison where people become resentful; and bitter.
When we give our lives to Jesus Christ, the things of earth grow strangely dim. The values of eternity grow increasingly bright.
Head knowledge without heart knowledge is worse than useless; but when head and heart join forces, it changes our lives forever.
Answers to prayer have to be on God's schedule, not ours. He hears us pray, and He answers according to His will in His own time.
Every decision we make has to be evaluated in light of our life-changing commitment to being a servant of Christ and His kingdom.
If you're unhappy with another person's behavior, pray about it and be honest and open in dealing with it in the right kind of way.
No one is going to be powerful in their ministry if they are hiding something that they are afraid people will find out at any moment.
When Christ returns, and only then, will the angel's message to the shepherds be totally fulfilled: Peace on earth, goodwill toward men.
The Bible tells us that whenever we come before God, whatever our purpose or prayer request, we are always to come with a thankful heart.
There are other kinds of joy found in other places in the world, but there is no place where you can find Christian joy except in Christ.
He is able to help His children work through anything, and not a single thing is going to happen in the future that can change that fact.
We are sometimes tempted to believe the lie that God does not love us. Thankfully the Bible is filled with evidence that this is not true.
God created the heavens and the earth to reveal His glory. Don't allow creation to eclipse and steal the worship God desires and deserves.
Don't let obstacles along the road to eternity shake your confidence in God's promise. The Holy Spirit is God's seal that you will arrive.
Saving us is the greatest and most concrete demonstration of God's love, the definitive display of His grace throughout time and eternity.
Our fleshly nature tempts us to put ourselves above others or seek a position or place for ourselves instead of allowing others to have it.
Amid the thousands of shrill voices screaming for our attention, there is but on Voice we need to hear. The voice of the Lord Jesus Christ.
This is a time when all of God's people need to keep their eyes and their Bibles wide open. We must ask God for discernment as never before.
If Jesus can live in you and you are no different than the world around you, something got short circuited because Jesus makes a difference.
God is love (1 John 4:8, 16) and God is sovereign (Acts 4:24). Those biblical truths must define our response to every circumstance in life.
In Scripture we read of two kinds of men-the spiritual man controlled by the Holy Spirit, and the "carnal" man who is ruled by his passions.
Though it may seem overdue, righteousness is always rewarded. Don't be impatient with God. He'll never forget to reward your efforts for Him.
When you follow God's will for your life, you can see how yesterday's events prepared you for today's challenges and tomorrow's opportunities.
In reading our newspapers today, we can see how God is setting the table, getting everything in order, preparing the way for Christ to return.
Everyone is in need of encouragement at some time. Take the opportunity today to encourage (give courage to) the one who often encourages you.
I could take everything I have built up over 35 years in my ministry and destroy it all if I went out tomorrow and committed one act of rebellion.
Marriage is a partnership between one man and one woman... Nothing could be clearer in the Bible as to what constitutes a marriage in God's sight.
Ask God to show you any changes you need to make in your relationships. And make sure your closest relationship continues to be with Jesus Himself.
If we don't take inventory every once in a while and give thanks to God for the great things He has done for us, we get totally out of perspective.
Refresh your commitment today to test everything by the Word of God. The surest defense against spiritual deception is knowledge of spiritual truth.