Do not complain of life's unfairness. It is never fair - at best it is impartial.

A man should be free to do what he wants to do, as long as it doesn't hurt others.

I would have offered you a forest of truth, but you wish to speak of a single leaf

You know how it is. Boy meets girl, girl wants boy dead. An everyday story, really.

I was a man before I was a king, and no true man walks away when a friend needs him.

In real war an officer may have only one chance at succeeding. Consider each problem.

... Life can be savored only if you look to the future and leave vengeance to the gods

Every little bit of good I may do, let me do it now for I may not come this way again.

There is evil in all of us, and it is the mark of a man how he defies the evil within.

I think maybe it is better to believe than not to believe. But I couldn't tell you why.

Our souls are but leaves in a storm, and only the gods know where we will come to rest.

When healers yearn to kill then hope begins to die ... Evil cannot be overcome by evil.

Foolish: It's all foolish. Life is a farce a stupid, sickening farce played out by fools.

Evil lives in a pit. If you want to fight it – you must climb down in the slime to do so.

No matter how impossible this war, I shall fight to win. Whatever I have to do, I will do.

If you look at any ancient civilization, they've all used fantasy stories to train the young.

All men have talents. Some build, some paint, some write, some fight. For me it is different.

An enemy is like a man's most prized flower. It brings him joy to see it buried in the ground.

I make little distinction between those who commit evil and those who stand by and do nothing.

I am a stranger. You do not need to lie to me or pretend. Only with friends do you need masks.

Come back and stand with us, lad. We will all go down together that's what makes us who we are.

Some people have a gift for stupidity, an almost mystic ability to withstand any form of logic.

Societies need heroes. So we travel to places where the revisionists cannot dismantle the great.

The very odd thing about sagas ... is that they very rarely mention dry mouths and full bladders.

The point is [...] that you never know whether you've lost until you've lost. Anything can happen.

'Do not expect help.' 'One should always hope.' 'Then hope for a handsome savage with kindly ways.'

Be at peace, my friend. One thing I have learnt about Death is that his bark is worse than his bite.

It is not hard to change when your biggest problem is whether the weeds prosper in a vegetable patch.

Trust your instincts, and make judgements on what your heart tells you. The heart will not betray you.

War. What was it about the prospect of some bloody enterprises that reduced men to the level of animals?

Never be glad that another man has died. Not ever. [...] It never ends. Never... ever... be glad to kill.

You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.

You are getting too old for this. A man is as old as he feels, woman! And how old do you feel? About ninety.

Do not speak badly of yourself, for the warrior that is inside you hears your words and is lessened by them.

One hundred only, Lord Earl. But judge us not by our number. Rather, watch the numbers of dead we leave behind.

Bow to nothing, son. I make mistakes as well as any man. If you think me wrong, be so good as to damn well say so.

Most wars are fought for greed, but we are luckier here we fight for our lives and the lives of the people we love.

When your life has been spent in one war after another for forty-five years, you have to be pretty handy to survive.

Your men are brave men, And you have won. I can live with that, Earl of Bronze a poor man would I be if I could not.

I don't know yet whether I fully believe in fate, but certain things do happen in a man's life that he cannot explain.

Life is a struggle, from the agonies of birth to the railing against death. Devour or be devoured. The law of the wild.

Nothing of real worth can ever be bought. Love, friendship, honour, valour, respect. All these things have to be earned.

I am not going to talk about patriotism, duty, liberty, and the defense of freedom because that's all dung to a soldier.

The baresark loses all fear; his method is all-out attack, and invariably he takes his opponent with him even if he falls.

Love is for fools. It is a surging of blood in the loins ... there is no mystery, and no magic. Find someone else, my boy.

A man should not risk his life for beauty alone, Kiall, for that fades. You might as well risk it for a rose. Think on it.

There's no shame in fear. But understand this - the coward is ruled by fear, while the hero rides it like a wild stallion.

This world has few redeeming features, and one is the capacity for people to love one another with great, enduring passion.

Love is both wondrous and yet full of peril. Love is a gateway through which hatred - disguised and unrecognized - can pass.

We make choices everyday, some of them good, some of them bad. And - if we are strong enough - we live with the consequences.

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