Being a rock widow is not my job, so I would hire people to do it for me.

I get nervous about press and about being rejected or disappointing myself.

I have no intention of dying young and being some stinking rock'n'roll person.

No one's coming in seeing my dogs, daughter or the crack of my ass, forget it.

I did not want to make the widow record. I still haven't made the widow record.

I'm driven. I am. I'm driven for some reason. But I don't know where I'm going.

Don't date the captain of the football team; be the captain of the football team.

We went through ten years of the Limp Bizkit thing, and I didn't know what to do.

I don't mean to be a diva, but some days you wake up and you're Barbara Streisand.

I wish people would just like me for what I am, the singer in an OK new wave band.

I'm so proud of myself. I worked with anger, with the darkest things in the world.

But let me tell you something. Gloria Steinem never helped me out; Larry Flynt did.

I'm not going to hurt anybody other than that dick who keeps writing songs about me.

If there's any time you should be on drugs it's when you're pregnant, cause it sucks.

I wanted my anger to be valid, and the only way to do that is to be fairly attractive.

Movie stars are supposed to be healthy. They're kept happy and nutritionally together.

Twitter is an amazing thing, because people follow each other and they can make friends.

I listen to too many people. I'm only going to listen to my gut for the rest of my life.

Remember, if you write anything nasty about me, I'll come around and blow up your toilet.

If you (the press) lie about us, I will hit you, Kurt will shoot you, and we both will sue.

Being a rock star is like being a cult leader - you really have to be in your own religion.

I'll always prefer to play with women and hang out with women, and I'll always be a feminist.

When you're feeling overwhelmed in business, one smart idea can beat the biggest Super Bowl ad.

You know, if Nicole Kidman was a rock star, she'd be alot more professional than me, I'm sorry.

I have a deathly fear of mediocrity and that nips at my heels and gets me into a lot of trouble.

Making good records tastes good in your mouh. And when that record sells, it tastes even better.

I like all the angels around because they protect me and my daughter. I mean, her Dad's an angel.

I lived out my little rock'n'roll fantasy, I just wish I hadn't gotten into so much trouble for it.

The American public really does have a death wish for me. They want me to die. I'm not going to die.

I'm not a theater rat, so I never got a theatrical agent and did a play. I came really close though.

I am just the classic person who wants to learn stuff. I want good tutors, and with Kurt I had the best.

No guy is worth your tears, but when you find that one that could be worth it, he shouldn't make you cry.

A good stylist knows that and is not going to push you to wear something that you're not comfortable with.

For years, despite having impeccable taste, I didn't understand how to convey that I had impeccable taste.

I like there to be some testosterone in rock, and it's like I'm the one in the dress who has to provide it.

I've done enough films to know how to save up my energy for the take and then give it on the take and do that.

My number one thing to work on is not being reactive - but appropriateness doesn't come easily to me sometimes.

I had found The Runaways and I had seen Foxes, and I decided I was just gonna become a juvie, like Cherie Currie.

Much of my high-jinx have been drug-related. When you're under 30, whatever, but once you're past 40 it's just ugly.

There's not a lot of people expressing anger in the culture. They're expressing a lot of hyper-exaggerated sexuality.

Songs need to have a secret, cryptic, thematic thing about them, otherwise they are just messy and all over the place.

I'm ultimately a widow and a single mother, who's not even getting to be a mother right now. I am so alone, it's freaky.

I never expected I would be connected to the Alpha male as some kind of ancillary object and to this day it mystifies me.

I never expected I would be connected to the Alpha male as some kind of ancillary object, and to this day it mystifies me.

I'm pretty normal in some ways. In some ways I'm completely extraordinary, and in other ways I'm completely weird and eccentric.

Drugs have nothing to do with the creation of music. In fact, they are dumb and self indulgent. Kind of like sucking your thumb!

My daughter is an angel on earth, so when I see her it all goes away. I see her and - phew! - all that dark goes away pretty much.

I'm clean and sober for over a year and no one seems to care! They're like, 'Oh, her dramatic weight gain.' So, stop making fun of me!

If you want to ask about my drug problem, go ask my big, fat, smart, ten pound daughter, she'll answer any questions you have about it.

The road of rock and roll (much like life) is littered with broken dreams and death. And it's our job to overcome these and to survive.

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