The school of life offers some difficult courses, but it is in the difficult class that one learns the most.

Be united with other Christians. A wall with loose bricks is not good. The bricks must be cemented together.

You see, a potter can only mold the clay when it lies completely in his hand. It requires complete surrender.

Hold loosely to the things of this life, so that if God requires them of you, it will be easy to let them go.

I looked on Jesus and the dove of peace entered my heart. I looked at the dove of peace; and he went.

The Lord never makes a mistake. One day, when we are in heaven, I'm sure we shall see the answers to the whys.

And for all these people alike, the key to healing turned out to be the same. Each had a hurt he had to forgive.

We are born into God’s kingdom when we ask the Lord Jesus to come into our lives. But this is only the beginning.

What joy that the Bible tells us the great comfort that the best is yet to be. Our outlook goes beyond this world.

Faith is like radar that sees through the fog -- the reality of things at a distance that the human eye cannot see.

Don't worry about what you do not understand... Worry about what you do understand in the Bible, but do not live by.

You saw we could lose our lives for this child. I would consider that the greatest honor that could come to my family.

Child, you have to learn to see things in the right proportions. Learn to see great things great and small things small.

In the center of a hurricane there is absolute peace and quiet. There is no safer place than in the center of the will of God

If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. If you look at God you'll be at rest.

If you have an important decision to make, or even a small one, it is good to make your decision with the guidance of the Lord.

We deal with God - who is Love. He isn't a dictator. He is a loving Father. There is no end to what He would like to do for us.

The devil smiles when we make plans. He laughs when we get too busy. But he trembles when we pray-especially when we pray together.

We must mirror God's love in the midst of a world full of hatred. We are the mirrrors of God's love, so we may show Jesus by our lives

Although the threads of my life have often seemed knotted, I know, by faith, that on the other side of the embroidery there is a crown.

No pit is so deep that He is not deeper still; with Jesus even in our darkest moments, the best remains and the very best is yet to be.

God has plans, not problems for our lives. The life of a Christian is an education for a higher service. God is training you for something.

If a bird is flying for pleasure, it flies with the wind, but if it meets danger it turns and faces the wind, in order that it may rise higher.

As a camel kneels before his master to have him remove his burden at the end of the day, so kneel each night and let the Master take your burden.

Oh, this was the great ploy of Satan in that kingdom of his: to display such blatant evil one could almost believe one's own secret sin didn't matter.

Four marks of true repentance are: acknowledgement of wrong, willingness to confess it, willingness to abandon it, and willingness to make restitution.

There is an ocean of Gods love available-there is plenty for everyone. May God grant you never to doubt that victorious love-whatever the circumstances.

Worries carry responsibilitie s that belong to God, not to you. Worry does not enable us to escape evil; it makes us unfit to cope with it when it comes.

(on forgiveness) Didn't he and I stand together before an all seeing God convicted of the same murder? For I had murdered him with my heart and my tongue.

I thank You, Jesus, that You brought into my heart God's love through the Holy Spirit. Thank You, Father, that Your love in me is stronger than my hatred.

The tree on the mountain takes whatever the weather brings. If it has any choice at all, it is in putting down roots as deeply as possible."---Each New Day

This is what the past is for! Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see.

and here I felt a strange leaping of my heart-God did! My job was to simply follow His leading one step at a time, holding every decision up to him in prayer.

I have experienced His presence in the deepest hell that man can create. I have really tested the promises of the Bible, and believe me, you can count on them.

You know, eternal life does not start when we go to heaven. It starts the moment you reach out to Jesus. He never turns His back on anyone. And He is waiting for you.

There are no 'if's' in God's world. And no places that are safer than other places. The center of His will is our only safety - let us pray that we may always know it!

Voltaire expected that within fifty years of his lifetime there would not be one Bible in the world. His house is now a distribution center for Bibles in many languages.

Forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door of resentment and the handcuffs of hatred. It is a power that breaks the chains of bitterness and the shackles of selfishness.

There are no 'ifs' in God's Kingdom. His timing is perfect. His will is our hiding place. Lord Jesus, keep me in Your will! Don't let me go mad by poking about outside it.

Jesus did not promise to change the circumstances around us. He promised great peace and pure joy to those who would learn to believe that God actually controls all things.

Jesus loves sinners. He only loves sinners. He has never turned anyone away who came to Him for forgiveness, and He died on the cross for sinners, not for respectable people.

If God has shown us bad times ahead, it's enough for me that He knows about them. That's why He sometimes shows us things, you know - to tell us that this too is in His hands.

When a Christian shuns fellowship with other Christians, the devil smiles, When he stops studying the Bible, the devil laughs. When he stops praying, the devils shouts for joy.

It is not on our forgiveness any more than on our goodness that the world's healing hinges, but His. When He tells us to love our enemies, He gives, along with the command, the love itself.

Trying to do the Lord's work in your own strength is the most confusing, exhausting, and tedious of all work. But when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, then the ministry of Jesus just flows out of you.

On the other hand, I have never before so learned to know the Lord Jesus as a tender, loving Friend, who never forsakes us or casts us off when we are bad, but rather helps us to gain the mastery over sin.

If you cannot find time to pray, ask for forgiveness. Ask to be cleansed of the sin of having no time to pray ... It could be that Satan is pushing you into too much work so that you cannot take time to pray.

Worrying is carrying tomorrow's load with today's strength- carrying two days at once. It is moving into tomorrow ahead of time. Worrying doesn't empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.

Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength. it does not enable us to escape evil. It makes us unfit to face evil when it comes. it is the interest you pay on trouble before it comes.

When a house is on fire and you know that there are people in it, it is a sin to straighten pictures in that house. When the world about you is in great danger, works that are in themselves not sinful can be quite wrong.

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