What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without ...

What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

As the cleansing ocean closes over bin Laden's carcass, may the earth ...

As the cleansing ocean closes over bin Laden's carcass, may the earth lie lightly on the countless graves of those he sentenced without compunction to be burned alive or dismembered in the street.

All of life is a wager

No child's behind left.

I'm dying, but so are you

I vote and I do jury duty.

If you can talk, you can write.

Cheap booze is a false economy.

Jesus is Santa Claus for Adults.

Chemotherapy isn't good for you.

I'm terrified of losing my voice.

I don’t have a body, I am a body.

I'm not a conservative of any kind.

A good liar must have a good memory.

You can only have one aim per debate.

Of course, I do everything for money.

It doesn't take much to make me angry.

Take the risk of thinking for yourself

The finest fury is the most controlled.

You have to choose your future regrets.

Ordinary morality is innate in my view.

The violence in the Bible is appalling.

The one unforgivable sin is to be boring.

Religion fosters servility and solipsism.

I am, I hope, never offensive by accident.

I still think like a Marxist in many ways.

History is a tragegy, not a morality tale.

Billy Graham is a boring, racist charlatan.

You can't have occupation and human rights.

To be in opposition is not to be a nihilist.

Don't swallow your moral code in tablet form.

It's called faith because it's not knowledge.

I don't consider myself to be that credulous.

Teasing is very often a sign of inner misery.

Your favorite virtue? An appreciation for irony.

[E]xceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.

Exceptional claims, require exceptional evidence.

I felt Clinton represented the worst of the 1960s.

A point, like a joke, is a terrible thing to miss.

I think I write in a fairly self-confident manner.

I'm not that keen on the idea of being unconscious.

Arguments that explain everything... explain nothing

Religion is compulsory in English schools, you know.

A bit of a stomach give a chap a position in society.

There can be no progress without head-on confrontation.

I think the materialist conception of history is valid.

The Islamists will try to spoil everything for everyone.

Talking, it seemed to me, was the point of adult existence.

In a Pyongyang restaurant, don't ever ask for a doggie bag.

A Great voice has fallen silent. A great heart has stopped.

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