I have no problem with being underdressed.

The best part of fashion is the interns - having them or being one.

As a designer looking to the future, you don't want to get lost in the archives.

I always knew I wanted to start my own line. Nights and weekends, I would work on my business plan.

I feel like everyone should dye their hair a weird color. If you hate it, you can just dye it back.

Growing up in Seattle, I was always that kid who didn't subscribe to what everyone else was wearing.

I particularly like Facebook because it straddles the gap between seeing people and not seeing them.

I have a fleet of Rimowa Topas aluminum suitcases! They're all covered in stickers from around the world.

Life in New York is one of succumbing to a tidal wave of control and direction, of numbing oneself to emotion.

I love the challenge of taking colors that are totally disparate and making them work together in an interesting way.

I feel like girls should dress down a little bit on the holidays, even though the instinct is to get really dressed up.

I have specific playlists for arrivals in different cities. Tokyo skews new wave, Paris more jazz, and New York is Top 40.

I think Seattle has a great sort of luxury and comfort sensibility, which I oftentimes think is lost in fashion for fashion's sake.

While at Parsons, I interned at Marc Jacobs, which was great. When I graduated, I went to work at J. Crew; that was also really great.

I always like a woman in power in politics. I think they're pretty inspirational in terms of looks to begin with. It's very calculated.

I interned with Marc Jacobs in college, then worked at J. Crew. I learned a lot about how to fit clothes and what kinds of things sell and why.

I'm always inspired by all of my friends. I aspire to make clothes that my friends would want to wear, that they would gravitate towards anyway.

Let me tell you, I'm not sure if America runs on donuts, but I sure do! Nothin' like a little simple sugar icing to get the blood pumping at 9:00 A.M.

I remember watching 'The Carol Burnett Show' with my parents as a kid. All those weird outfits she wore, like turtlenecks and long skirts, really stayed in my head.

I love how New York as an idea is less a paradigm of manifest destiny and more a romance for the social orphans of the world. We live here to be among the towers and the crowds.

I used to sit in bed at night and flip through design-school catalogs. I found out that Parsons accepted a small number of high school juniors, so I applied my sophomore year and got in.

I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, where it's all about being comfortable. I try to bring that undercurrent to what I do. It's great to have beautiful, dressed-up clothes that still feel casual.

I'm drawn to girls with a certain self-effacing, humorous quality and an innate independence and point of view. I love the notion of never taking yourself too seriously or being too put together.

I'd call my work 'instinctual design.' I like to find the spirit of a piece that defies time, age, and occasion. My clothes give the wearer the chance to develop their own voice within a wardrobe, and I think of them as curators of their personal style.

I often feel like Facebook is a giant friend portfolio, and sometimes it can be a much more socially appropriate way of contacting a person as compared with texting or telephone. And never mind the fact that it's integrated into the iPhone. Makes me crazy in a super good way.

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