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I was at lunch with some friends one day, and we looked down at our table - blond pasta, blond pizza - and then someone joked, 'Blonde salad,' and it stuck.
I'm definitely more of a makeup person than a skincare person. I'd love someone to teach me exactly what to do with my skin, but then again, I am also lazy.
I love makeup so much, but I'm very bad at doing my own makeup. Italian girls don't wear very much, so when I do put on makeup it's just very, very natural.
There isn't that disconnect between the fashion industry and people now - you can be a trendsetter even if you don't go to shows. The industry isn't as snobbish as it used to be.
You can totally work with brands. People love seeing that, but you have to build stories. You have to build credibility, and those brands have to really be the perfect fit for yourself.
When it comes to anything you want to do in your life, you have to be passionate. Success may come, but in the end, the most important thing is that you are doing what you really want to do.
I bought a Cartier nail bracelet to celebrate the fifth anniversary of my blog. It's an investment piece, but it's simple enough to wear every day, and it's something that will last forever.
When it comes to exercise, it's really hard for me to have a weekly routine because my schedule changes daily. But I try to go jogging as much as possible - when I'm in L.A., I do it every day.
At the beginning of my career, it was really difficult for my family to understand what I was working on, but they supported me anyway and gave me the best advice, which was to always be myself.
The first thing that inspires me is my mood, but I take inspiration from a lot of things: a rock song, a romantic movie or a specific lifestyle, like 1960s London and, of course, Italian 'dolce vita!'
I have always used Pantene hair products since I was a child, since I was 9 or 10 years old when I began to shampoo and condition my hair. I have also always been 'obsessed' with the brand's beautiful ad campaigns.
When someone calls me a blogger, I think, 'That's one of the things I used to do.' I'm a creative director for my shoe brand; I'm the editor-in-chief of 'The Blonde Salad,' which is a website and not just a blog anymore.
As long as you're ahead of a trend, I think you're going to be fine. You really have to have a multitasking mind that can switch from one thing to the other easily without too much focus on, 'Oh, I'm going to Instagram my life.'
After my first fashion week, there were so many brands approaching us, and we said 'No' 90 per cent of the time. We didn't care about making a lot of money - it seemed so short term. We've always wanted to create something bigger.
Of course, you decide which story you want to tell. For me, it's been very authentic, so sometimes I'm super happy, and I post four pictures one after the other; sometimes I'm busy, and I don't. Sometimes I'm sad, and I post a sad picture.
Nowadays, you don't need to live in a fashion capital of the world, have lots of money, or be able to shop during certain hours. With online retail, it's possible to browse and shop for fashion anytime of the day, from pretty much anywhere.
I could have been like so many other bloggers or 'influencers' who just have their agent and are more like celebrities, but I've never wanted it to be only like that. Of course, I still want that part in my life, but I also wanted to create a brand.
I don't follow other fashion blogs, but I do follow other fashionistas on Instagram. Many of them are my friends; it's really cool: they can inspire me, and they're also my friends. I also look for inspiration in the street; there are so many fashionable women walking around.
Years and years ago, I was obsessed with these Pamela Love necklaces, and they had a claw, like an eagle claw, which was silver. Then I found one on this random website. I thought it was a fake claw, and when it arrived, it was a real one, cut off from the animal! It came to my house, and it was disgusting; it was a chicken claw or something.
During the fashion month, I have a very busy schedule and not much time to dedicate to my hair, but I cannot neglect it if I want to maintain it healthy and always perfect. Taking care of it with the right products while keeping it healthy allows me to wear strong and shiny hair even without having to avoid experimenting new styles and looks.