My favourite actor is Mark Rylance.

I'm a pretty emotionally available person.

The greatest thing in the world as an actor or an artist to connect.

My parents were in the theater so I was always somewhat surrounded by it.

My family and my closest friends are my favorite things about being home.

In terms of actors and actresses, I think Joaquin Phoenix is probably my favorite film actor.

It's just always wonderful to have a director who encourages you so much to focus on the present.

I'm not someone who seeks out stories of people who are suffering. I think they just kind of find me.

There's a lot of ways someone can grow up, but one way is discovering your parents are not all they say they are.

I loved working on 'Boardwalk.' I had a very limited run on it, but I did love it and that was quality television.

My manager always brings up this fact that when I was 10 and first met her I said I never want to do movies and TV.

When I was about 12, I saw Mark Rylance do this play in New York City called 'Jerusalem' and that really changed the game for me.

I think one of my favorite directors is P.T. Anderson - living directors, I should say. And Spike Jonze is one of my favorites, Gus Van Sant.

I think probably everyone can relate to wanting to believe that your parents are one thing, and having to come to the realization that they might not be.

Everyone relates to the heroes - that's why they're the heroes. But I've realized there are just more layers to characters who have been through something dark.

I finally feel like I have enough of the tools to be able to really set the tone for myself with the kind of work I wanna do and the kind of process I wanna have.

My favorite football team is the Atlanta Falcons. I love watching them although I have a love/hate relationship because they do make me angry and sick to my stomach at times.

The ups and downs of being a young creative are very real no matter where you are in terms of success, so I think having the courage to be consistent in what you believe in is super admirable.

I just want to learn as much as I can, and that comes from the people I surround myself with. So whether that is on a one-million-dollar movie, or 100-million-dollar movie, it doesn't really matter.

In my time, I've gotten the chance to play a few different people who are younger and have been rejected by their parents, and I think a lot of times that results in them really seeking help, even subconsciously doing so.

I had done some community theater plays and I just had so much fun doing it. I was a really shy kid growing up and it gave me a platform to be able to express myself in a way that I didn't feel comfortable doing yet in my own skin.

I think everyone has experienced the realization about their parents in some way. I most certainly have. That doesn't mean you don't love your parents or mean you aren't going to be loyal to them. But, you are both human beings who have different opinions.

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