I kinda like to scare my sister, and usually she gets really mad at me for doing that.

I'd really like to do a movie again with Tim Robbins and Clint Eastwood. They were really good guys.

I've always kinda wanted to work with Morgan Freeman, Tom Cruise, and people like that. Probably Will Smith, too.

I want to act for a really long time, but eventually I want to be a Marine and fly F-18s or train animals at SeaWorld.

My parents are a big help, and they're always making sure I have a normal life and my life isn't all just about acting and stuff.

Everyone can teach themselves to cry... but sometimes you have just got to see that mental movie going on. You've got to be feeling it.

I've always loved superheroes, and I'm sure every single kid out there is gonna love these superheroes and want to see 'Shark Boy and Lava Girl'... and the fact that it's in 3-D.

I just finished an episode of a new show called 'Century City.' It's like 'Law & Order' set in the future, and I have a very dramatic role in that. I have to sob and weep and wail. It was very hard. When it was done, I was like, 'OK, time to watch 'SpongeBob!'

'Freaky Friday' was really fun. They had a ping-pong table on set because Jamie Lee Curtis is really good at ping-pong. She's awesome at it. And they had a tournament, and we would play during filming. Whoever won the tournament would get to keep the table. I think it was Jamie who kept it.

Here in California, a lot of people are just kinda rude, and they're really impatient, especially on the freeways and stuff. And in Texas it's not like that. Here, it's kinda like a 'dog eat dog' world. But in Texas, it's really friendly. And all my family is in Texas, so we would visit family more if we lived in Texas.

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