I didn't think I could conceive.

As a mom, my priorities have changed.

I think there are different levels of forgiveness.

There's been a ham in every generation of our family.

I was afraid I'd be typecast forever as a mediocre actress.

When my father was very young, he performed in Billy Rose's Aquacade.

I meet my fears with excitement. They are an excuse to be courageous.

When you feel like you can't stop something, you don't want to admit it.

My mother used 'Cinderella' as the antidote of what was in store for me.

It's amazing what one positive role model in your life can do in five minutes.

Every time I watched my acting on 'Dynasty,' I cringed. Creatively, I felt stifled.

There was definitely a wild side to me that couldn't run free growing up in England.

Fear doesn't enter into my vocabulary. Fear is the gateway to the next step in my development.

When I left England and announced I was going to be an actress, the Windsors stopped speaking to me.

Mother was engaged briefly to Richard Burton years ago and did a tiny part with him in the film 'Jackpot.'

I know there'll be comparisons, but I consider it an honor to be compared to Audrey Hepburn. She's a legend.

My father told me I couldn't possibly be a model because I was too short. He's very protective. I did it partly to prove him wrong.

Since we're all Mother Earth's children, I like to think that more and more of us will be out there helping her against those who are hurting her.

What really ticks me off is how the public figures you automatically become the roles you play. What most people never see is the silly side of me.

I truly believe the eating disorder is gone. The discovery of what was at the bottom of it lifted me, and I walked into a different phase of my life.

That was mandatory in the contract with Aaron Spelling, that if you were contracted to do one of his shows, you had to do any other shows that were his.

I'm a prankster with a Monty Python sense of humor that somehow gets misrepresented in those tacky supermarket publications as bratty, snotty, and rude.

When it's supposed to be, when it's the right thing. I have a very strong opinion about things and what works best for me in terms of manifesting my desires.

Quite frankly, anything you have you will be told is detrimental or is an asset by whomever you run into, and in the end, you can't listen to anybody about anything.

If it's true, as I believe it is, that the planet is alive, then it's probably also true that we may reach a point at which she will begin to defend herself against us.

I've done so much healing on myself, been through personal hell, through hell in my relationships; my children have been through so much, and we've gotten to a place of healing.

When I was younger, we'd stay at stately homes, and at the end of dinner, women would have to leave the table. I used to sit there. I wouldn't leave. I felt England should come out of the Victorian era.

I've always been concerned about the environment. Becoming a mother only intensified my concern. I became even more alarmed about what we are doing to the earth and what our children will inherit as a result.

I know it's become a cliche of sorts, but, nonetheless, it is true. This is the only planet we and our children and children's children will call home. We can't afford to lose this home because we didn't protect it.

I've had relationships with men who are simply not willing to change their lifestyle. That's fine if you're unformed as a woman and you're able to blend yourself into something that's a convenient vessel. It's hard once you become a mother, I'll tell you. Something changes.

I do get in the water, but I was ruined by 'Jaws' 'cause I saw it when I was 13. Before that, I used to get in the water everywhere and never thought twice about it. After watching 'Jaws,' I was scared of the water. I have Steven Spielberg to thank for giving me another phobia.

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