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I think that the practice of medicine, the science of it, has become 50% pharmacological, so that doctors are like walking pharmacies.
It is our nature to defy gravity, to transcend the limitations of the reasoning mind and connect with the realm of the mystical truth.
If we let go of things, our life is going to change. And the reality is that we are actually more afraid of change than we are of death.
I think every part of our lives begins at an energetic level. Like creativity. You can't separate anything from that archetypal process.
Just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness.
Finding the right healing path requires all or nothing. Once you place conditions on healing, all you can achieve is conditional healing.
In general, if a couple cannot expand their original rules and boundaries to accommodate personal growth, the relationship disintegrates.
Becoming adept at the process of self inquiry and symbolic insight is a vital spiritual task that leads to the growth of faith in oneself.
Therefore, when you enter into anything, as a frightened being, that contract you make with another person out of fear, has to fall apart.
Developing personal power includes learning not to negotiate your self-worth for the sake of someone else or sell yourself short for a job.
Spirituality on the other hand, is a chosen path of developing intimate relationships with God. It's chosen, it's nurtured, and it's optional.
I don't want to ever, ever give that kind of pain to one living mortal. And I will not give that thought power in my life. That's my practice.
You have resources yet to be unleashed. Make bold, courageous choices. Live as though you have the power to change the world - because you do.
While we measure our own success in terms of our personal comfort and security, the universe measures our success by how much we have learned.
Every single choice we make is either going to enhance the spirit or drain it. Every day, we're either giving ourselves power or taking it away.
Power is at the root of the human experience. Our attitudes and beliefs--positive or negative--are all extensions of how we define and use power.
One of the greatest struggles of the healing process is to forgive both yourself and others and to stop expending valuable energy on the past hurts.
Seeing and admitting the truth about ourselves, about our role in creating our own problems, and about how we relate to others is vital for healing.
I love myself enough-not in a schmaltzy garbage sense, Hallmark stuff, I'm talking respect myself-I respect my life-force enough to no longer waste it.
fantasizing is one of the earliest languages in the child's mind. We are in touch with our imagination and dreams before we engage with logic and reason.
There is no such thing as a simple act of compassion or an inconsequential act of service. Everything we do for another person has infinite consequences.
The goal of the human experience is to transform ourselves from being who long to attain power in the physical world to beings who are empowered from within.
Spiritual maturity is measured not by the sophistication of a person's opinions, but by their genuineness and the courage necessary to express and maintain them.
From a spiritual perspective every relationship we develop, from the most casual to the most intimate, serves the purpose of helping us to become more conscious.
Take me away from my sense. I need to go away now, because I'm in chaos - take me down deep. Hover over me, because I need grace. I say that a lot, many times a day.
By far the strongest poison to the human spirit is the inability to forgive oneself or another person. Forgiveness is no longer an option but a necessity for healing.
If you betray yourself, you are no different from the people who hurt you. What's the difference between those people who hurt you and what you are doing to yourself?
Act on your inner guidance, and give up your need for 'proof' that your inner guidance is authentic. The more you ask for proof, the less likely you are to receive any.
Being of service is not an option, it is a biological necessity. Every kind of action we do for someone is a reanimation of our own life force - and of the other person's.
Our sacred contract is not a literal document. That's the first thing to understand. We could think of our sacred contract as a spiritual document that our soul recognizes.
The spiritual test inherent in all our lives is the challenge to discover what motivates us to make the choices we do, and whether we have faith in our fears or the Divine.
When I look at someone's face, I look beyond that face and into the cellular memory in my heart that says, 'Finally you and I have met again. And now we must find out why'.
Live one day at a time. Keep your attention in present time. Have no expectations. Make no judgements. And give up the need to know why things happen as they do. Give it up!
You cannot change anything in your life with intention alone, which can become a watered-down, occasional hope that you'll get to tomorrow. Intention without action is useless.
Knowing that every single day is so filled with potential - you cannot wait for life to give you anything. You have no right to feel entitled. You are not entitled to anything.
Fate is how your life unfolds when you let fear determine your choices. A path of destiny reveals itself to you, however, when you confront your fear and make conscious choices.
You will always receive help within a second of a prayer. To recognize the help, you must see everything in your life from that second on as a part of the answer to your prayer.
I prefer a kind of sweet, deep, rich prayer in which a person goes in and says, Take me down deep into the reason you gave me life. Take me down deep. It silences the chaos in me.
It's easy to get lost in endless speculation. So today, release the need to know why things happen as they do. Instead, ask for the insight to recognize what you're meant to learn.
Faith is the power to stand up to the madness and chaos of the physical world, while holding the position that nothing external has any authority over what heaven has in mind for you.
Self-examination is the process of accountability to your soul...It is far better to "become" your truth than to speak your truth. Self-examination is the practice of becoming your truth.
If you don't appreciate what you have in life right now, whatever it is, you will never realize your purpose. Without appreciation, you will never become strong enough to respect yourself.
Self-love means caring for ourselves enough to forgive people in our past so that the wounds can no longer damage us - for our wounds do not hurt the people who hurt us, they hurt only us.
People define their life by what they want versus what they have. People get fixated on something and they have to have it, even though that voice inside tells them it's not meant for them.
I do a lot of reflection. I do. I spend a lot of time in reflection and contemplation. I guess the way the old mystics used to do. I don't do meditation. That's not for me. It's not my thing.
I have to trust that there is a force greater than me that also knows and sees this, and breathes with it and knows that it's part of a grander plan, and all the good things people do matter.
Your biography becomes your biology. This biography includes the totality of your choices, the things you feed your body - you thoughts, your actions, your food - the thing you feed your life.
Grant me the grace to dissolve my negative thoughts about myself today. I breathe the grace of kindness into my heart. And may the grace of healing flow abundantly to every one in need of help.
I can sense and feel this wretched compassion that I don't want. But it's there. It's a very painful kind of compassion. It's not one you look for. You don't want this kind of compassion; it just happens.
Intuition is neither the ability to engage prophecy nor a means of avoiding financial loss or painful relationships. It is actually the ability to use energy data to make decisions in the immediate moment.