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The solution to the problems of marriage and parenting is simple. Spend more time with the people you care about the most.
What have you always wanted to do but been afraid to attempt? Whatever it is, it may be your greatest opportunity in life.
Your life only gets better when you get better, and you can improve yourself without limit. Learn something new every day.
Any great achievement is preceded by many difficulties and many lessons; great achievements are not possible without them.
Poor or fuzzy communications are major time-wasters. Take the time to be crystal-clear in your communications with others.
Practice is the price of mastery. Whatever you practice over and over again becomes a new habit of thought and performance.
Your greatest asset is your earning ability, to apply your knowledge, skills in order to get results which others will pay.
When you want something badly enough, you will develop the confidence and the ability to overcome any obstacle in your way.
List 20 things you are going to do in the next 30 days to fast-start your career. Then take action on at least one of them.
You can achieve almost any goal if you just do what other successful people have done to achieve the same goals before you.
Determine a single measure that you can use to grade your progress and success in each area of your life. Refer to it daily.
Respect is the key determinant of high performance leadership. How much people respect you determines how well they perform.
What one skill, if you developed it, could have the greatest positive impact on your career? This is the key to your future.
Deal honestly and objectively with yourself; intellectual honesty and personal courage are the hallmarks of great character.
The purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer. All business activities must be focused on this central purpose.
The only pressure that you use in a professional selling presentation is the presence of silence after the closing question.
Act with purpose, courage, confidence, competence and intelligence until these qualities 'lock in' to your subconscious mind.
You can accomplish virtually anything if you want it badly enough and if you are willing to work long enough and hard enough.
The more credit you give away, the more will come back to you. The more you help others, the more they will want to help you.
Your biggest opportunity probably lies under your own feet, in your current job, industry, education, experience or interests.
I believe every person has within themselves inexhaustible reserves of potential they have never even come close to realizing.
The mark of the superior thinker is his or her ability to accurately predict the consequences of doing or not doing something.
Many of the most successful men and women in the world never graduated from college. They attended the school of life instead.
People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.
Jim Rohn is outstanding! He is among the most polished, professional speakers in America, with a message everyone should hear.
What are the critical success factors of your job? What must you be absolutely, positively excellent at doing to be successful?
What you concentrate on largely determines the quality and quantity of the results that you get and the success that you enjoy.
One of the marks of successful people is they are action oriented. One of the marks of average people is they are talk oriented.
Life is like a combination lock; your job is to find the right numbers, in the right order, so you can have everything you want.
Discipline yourself to find something positive in every situation every day. You attract positivity when you are positive within.
The more clear your vision of health, happiness and prosperity, the faster you move toward it and the faster it moves toward you.
Plan your work and work your plan. Decide in advance exactly how you are going to get from where you are to where you want to go.
People create their own success by learning what they need to learn and then by practicing it until they become proficient at it.
Everybody has a need for speed and you actually make your product, or service, or services more attractive when you do them fast.
The more clearly defined and keenly desired your goals, the more of your natural creativity will be released for goal attainment.
When you begin moving toward excellence, you will find very little competition. You're competing with only 20% of the population.
Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.
Your current situations or problems have been sent to you to teach you valuable lessons for success and happiness. What are they?
Approach each customer with the idea of helping him or her solve a problem or achieve a goal, not of selling a product or service.
Happiness and high come to you when you choose to live your life consistent with your highest values and your deepest convictions.
Your outer world of attitudes, wealth, work, relationships and health will always be a reflection of your inner attitudes of mind.
One quality of leaders and high achievers in every area seems to be a commitment to ongoing personal and professional development.
Flood your life with ideas from many sources. Creativity needs to be exercised like a muscle. If you don't use it, you'll lose it!
Perhaps the greatest display of self-discipline is persisting when the going gets tough. Persistence is self-discipline in action.
Self-discipline is a great time-saver; it is the ability to make yourself work on only those things that are most important to you.
Your own level of self-acceptance is determined largely by how well you feel you are accepted by the important people in your life.
Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, 'What's in it for me?'
The history of the human race is the history of ordinary people who have overcome their fears and accomplished extraordinary things.
Whatever you believe with emotion becomes reality. You always act in a manner consistent with your innermost beliefs and convictions.
Your mind will always try to complete what it pictures, so always picture success no matter haw badly things are going at the moment.