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I'm very soft, you know!
I snore. Just ask the others!
Ill always be a Backstreet Boy.
I'll always be a Backstreet Boy.
Most of all, I like chasing girls.
God fixed my heart, so I could bless yours.
Backstreet Boys, we don't stop. We just keep going.
You can always forgive, you just can't really forget.
Hi I'm B-Rok of the Backstreet Boys, Jim Carrey wannabe.
Doctors are not always right, but they are there to help.
I know who I am as a person, as a father, and as a husband.
I daydream about Backstreet Boys accepting a Grammy one day.
I was the first BSB dad. I was the first one to join the club.
Now I'm looking for more of a dressy, man wear, you know, kinda cool.
If I had a girl I'd love to see her in my clothes. It's real romantic.
I just think that the God I serve is compassionate and loving and is forgiving.
Fans want real songs, they want real experiences, and they want real instruments.
Hi my name is Brian, but uh, you can call me 'B-Rok'. Cuz, I be rockin' your house!
Of course I like to look at pretty girls in the street. What hot-blooded boy doesn't.
I've known for a very long time that making music for the church has been my calling.
Actually, I have to say that I don't believe in having a sexual realtionship outside of marriage.
In every victory, Let it be said of me...My source of strength, My source of hope... Is Christ alone.
I would hope somebody out there will still want to hear a Backstreet Boys song when I'm 50-something.
I keep everything that is most important to me close to me: my family, my bible, my X-Box - just kidding.
When we're in the studio, and we sing that first note on that record, you're committing to being a Backstreet Boy!
When you look at every government, they're our elected officials, and you have to have some form of respect for them.
God has allowed me through the BSB to minister in a positive way, encouraging people to stand up for what they believe.
I think I'd make a loving, caring, understanding boyfriend, who's in touch with his emotions. Or at least I'd like to be.
I've always tried to be funny, or stupid, or whatever. I love making people laugh and I think it comes quite naturally to me.
I bought my wife Leighanne a silver BMW Z8 sports car one Christmas and tied it up with a big red bow in the driveway of our house.
Eyes are very appealing to me. I also like somebody who is interested in a career for themselves and can treat me like a normal person.
A lot of people talk about the one-and-done attitude of college athletes, but if you look at the University of Kentucky, we do build winners.
Marriage can be work, it can be difficult, it can be hard, but I think working through those times makes you stronger as a couple and as a unit.
We don't need wings to be angels We don't need reasons to be right Your love makes us all better That who we really are Angels and heroes at heart
Some of the best advice I got from a close friend is marriage is always looked at from the world as 50/50 as to working together to make that 100 percent.
I've always talked about my faith and my relationship with God, through my 'thank yous' on the records and giving the glory where I feel the glory is due.
Backstreet has been around a long time. Normally, groups like us have a shelf life of two to four years. We always wanted to have a long stay in the music world.
I think it would be cool to maybe do something with Ed Sheeran. That would be awesome and interesting. He writes amazing songs, and I could easily hear Backstreet Boys sing 'Shape Of You.'
If I did not have my wife, I wouldn't be married, I wouldn't have the life that I have and I wouldn't have my wonderful baby boy who's not a baby anymore - he's going to be eight-years-old.
I've received a lot of positive feedback from both the secular and Christian markets. People seem to be receiving it with open arms and hearts, and are interested in the stories I want to share about my relationship with God and my faith.
I really believe that's one of the many reasons that God had put me right in the middle of the Backstreet Boys. There are so many stars today that don't realize the impact they have on young people. Being a superstar is great, as long as you can be a positive role model.
I've been diagnosed with what's called vocal tension dysphonia. The muscles around my vocal chords kind of constrict my vocal chords from doing what they should do. It's kinda like being a body builder and you have muscles that are so large that they don't allow you to have flexibility, if that makes sense.
I was in the hospital for a month and a half of my first-grade year, so I missed a lot of school. I remember that I returned home from the hospital and there was a bicycle waiting for me in front of the house, a yellow and red bicycle with a big banana seat on it. This was 1980, and it's still my favorite bike.
I was born with a heart murmur. When I was 21, the stress of the career and traveling - the lack of sleep and just not eating right - had taken its toll. Our schedules had been pretty crazy for about three years, and there was no rest at all. So in order to continue on and, you know, have a life, I had to fix it.
I live in Atlanta, Georgia, and none of the other Backstreet Boys live in Georgia. So a lot of times, when people come to my house they're like, 'Hey, is A.J. here?' Or, 'Is Kevin here?' Or, 'Is Nick in the bathroom?' People think we live together and we spend all the time in the world together, but we really don't.