I don't plan on slowing down. I'm going to keep steamrolling through everybody.

I'm the monster, and I'm the only man capable of putting Brock Lesnar down for good!

Roman Reigns is, if not the best, one of the best performers in the world, hands down.

When I graduated high school, I was 6-5 and 305. I think I swallowed a magic bean pill.

If you love me, you love me, and if you hate me, you hate me, but you're going to get me.

I like working as a bad guy, and I don't plan on changing the way that I work if they want me to be a good guy.

If I can get an opportunity where no one will interfere and keep stepping on my toes, it's just a matter of time.

I didn't want to go to college, I didn't want to play football anymore, and I kind of just goofed off for about a year and a half.

I'm going to give you everything I've got, I'm going to put my body on the line, and I'm going to entertain you. Plain and simple.

I've shouted this from the rooftops, and I'll say it again: There's not another man on this Earth who is my size who can do what I do.

Everything is so fresh in WWE, it's hard to take it all in sometimes. I get moments when I'm riding the road late at night, and I get to reflect on my thoughts a little bit.

It doesn't matter who you love or who you want to cheer for; at the end of the match, you are on your feet, you are going crazy, you have lost your voice, and we did our job.

I am a firm fan of shutting naysayers up; I've done it my whole life. People have doubted my abilities through different phases, and time after time, I've made them put their feet in their mouth.

I'm Braun Strowman. You can't put me in a category with anyone. I'm my own entity - there's nobody else like me - so I'm going to continue going out there to be Braun. I'm no good guy or bad guy, I'm Braun.

I can't really pick a favorite match.I enjoy every opportunity the WWE gives me to wreak havoc on other human beings. I've done a lot of different stipulation matches, and there are still a few I haven't done, but nothing I look forward to.

Behind the scenes, I'm friends with everyone at work, but without a doubt, my best friend is Bray Wyatt. The man pretty much brought me into the industry when they tagged me up with The Wyatt Family; it was my seventh match I'd ever had. I didn't know the difference between a headlock and a beetle throw.

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