Some say silence is golden, I choose noise!

You ever see a poptart do the moonwalk? Magic

Flowers for me are just things to give to a beatiful woman.

If you don't take risks in life, you'll never see anything new.

All cell phones in the air 'cause I want to see you guys shine.

I get scared because I regard women as the most beautiful creatures in the world.

The judges say, make it your own, so I just remixed a song if I felt like the piece needed it

Just keep being true to yourself, if you're passionate about something go for it. Don't sacrifice anything, just have fun.

Aztec has played a big part in delivering the solutions that our Dallas office has spent timeless hours and energy searching for.

I've tried to stay true to myself this whole entire time, and I think I've represented myself as creatively as I could with what I got on the show.

To do what you love and are passionate about is a dream come true, My life is consumed by music and entertainment— and it’s the best life I could ever hope for.

Now I'm 'Blake Lewis' to the world, but I will always still be Bshorty from Bothell... I've never looked at it like a competition so I think I've won regardless. I won when I got to the top ten; I've already reached my goal.

When people would ask me what I’m addicted to, I always said ‘music.’ And while they’d laugh it off like it’s a cliché, I’m actually a complete shopaholic when it comes to records. I’d literally buy 10 albums a week for years, so when I went to that Virgin Records and it said ‘going out of business,’ my heart stopped.

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