There's nothing better than hearing someone laugh.

I'm very fortunate to get paid for something I love doing.

I don't sing lead - I am not the lead singer - but I do sing some stuff sometimes.

I want to be known for my performances and doing my craft well, not for funny stuff I post on Twitter or whatever.

Doing the soaps, every day it's constant training. Dealing with camera angles, the other people - it's great training.

I want to go base-jumping off Angel Falls and then canoeing down that river that goes east. That's what I really wanna do.

It's one thing believing in yourself, it's another thing having other people believe in you, and that is the greatest gift, honestly.

I was always into sports and a lot of physical activities. My dad was a kickboxer and a body builder. My mom was an aerobics teacher.

I would totally, if Alan Cumming is tired of doing Cabaret, I'd be like, 'I'll do it tonight.' I would have such a good time doing that.

That's the difference between working on film and working in a play. In a play, you work on it, and you live in it and develop it and make it happen.

I actually did Shakespeare when I was at North Carolina School of the Arts. I studied with Gerald Freedman and Mary Irwin - it was fun; I enjoyed it.

It's been TV and a lot of independent films. I'm so happy and blessed to have all these opportunities. But I'm also working on somebody else's project.

I couldn't be more thankful to get my start on a soap opera. It was the hardest job I ever had. Got to practice in front of the camera, like, every day.

I have just gained a deeper and deeper respect for acting and the whole art of it because you're really trying to live a life and to do the best justification for it.

I really think you can manifest your dreams. You can manifest your destiny. If you want something hard enough and you're willing to work for it, I think you can get it. I truly believe that.

I eat eight times a day. But it's what my intake is. I eat all the time, but it's good stuff. You want to eat that chocolate? You want to eat that dessert? Have that apple or vegetable instead.

When I act, I feel like I am a color in someone else's painting - I can be the best blue that there is, but I'm still only part of their entire picture - but, with music, when I am performing with Reserved For Rondee, I am the painter, you know?

We were on As the World Turns together with Trevor Vaughn. We played brothers on the show. Our friendship started there. We would punch each other in the face, in the nuts, while we were acting. Our characters are supposed to hate each other, but we actually got along really, really well.

Brit Marling smartest girl I've ever met. Hands down. Brilliant. Her story? She had a graduate degree from a top tier school and turned down a job with some big company. She went to LA, said she was going to be an actress. She wasn't getting auditions, so she started writing her own films.

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