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The movies I've made about the South, they were my experience and it's something that I know.
I know that I loved music before I loved movies, simply because I didn't see movies as a kid.
The thing about a motion picture is that look of film on a big screen takes you into a magical.
Playing normal-looking characters really intimidatesme. I got into acting to play anyone but me.
I've been accused, many times, as a writer/director, of my pace being too leisurely and too long.
We don't shoot in L.A. much anymore. You know, TV and movies, most everything's shot other places.
If I hadn't gotten into the entertainment business, I would be probably making minimum wage still.
I figured I would have to tell someone to kiss my ass before it was all over, and I have -- twice.
Just the other day, my assistant was on the line with Calvin Klein. Golly, I usually shop at Sears.
I write songs on guitar and that's about how good of a guitar player I am. I can write songs on it.
My wheelhouse is intense characters who have a certain sympathetic streak and also a sense of humor.
I think people can live a religious life and yet believe in things maybe outside the box a little bit.
Anytime you get a chance to play some extreme character, in any direction, it's always a great blessing.
If you're in scenes with a guy you know really well in a comedy, you tend to crack each other up too much.
I'm not sure that I'm really relevant as a director anymore. Or as a writer, either, to tell you the truth.
Every couple I know has side-by-side grave plots, but when we do it we're the biggest weirdos on the block.
I always have a guitar or ukulele in the trailer, and I write songs. That keeps me in an artistic mind-set.
I was the fattest baby in Clark County, Arkansas. They put me in the newspaper. It was like a prize turnip.
If you can make a color show or movie seem like it's in black-and-white, then you've done a really good job.
I can't imagine laying a finger on my kids. I go the other way and probably because my father was so abusive.
I didn't have a burning desire to be a writer or director - writer probably more so, certainly not a director.
A lot of kids, when they go to church, they don't really pay much attention to what they're saying or whatever.
My songs aren't built around choruses or hooks or anything like that. That's kind of how I write screenplays too.
I'll always consider myself a Southerner. A lot of people put California down, but my dreams were realized there.
Now, if you want to do realistic, kind of heavier acting stuff, you do it on Amazon or Netflix or whatever or HBO.
The ones that work out really and ones that become something to the audience, those are the most important people.
If something really strikes a chord with an audience, if it pops on TV, I don't mind watching it for a few minutes.
I believe in running through the rain and crashing into the person you love and having your lips bleed on each other.
I've been largely an improvisational actor for most of my career, except for when I've worked with the Coen brothers.
Somewhere along the line we stopped believing we could do anything. And if we don't have our dreams, we have nothing.
Usually when I'm writing, I kind of know what it is before I start writing and I write stream of consciousness style.
I think everybody's contemplating TV now, because mid-level and high-budget independent films are not being made now.
When you're a kid, somebody's mid-forties, you think they're an old man. Then you grow up and it's like, I was a kid.
It's not that I don't understand it. But people think if you speak with an English accent it somehow makes you smarter.
When I was a teenager, I read the bible cover-to-cover, and I found the Old Testament, it's a pretty bloody history book.
I never expected to be a movie star. It's not that I didn't want to be, I didn't think about it. I wanted to be an actor.
All the actors I've worked with as a director over the years I really love and I thought they were all right for the part.
Independent films now, they want to give you $2 million to make it, 21 days to shoot it and they want 10 movie stars in it.
If you look at a character as a mountain over there that you have to climb, then I think you've lost 50 percent of the air.
We didn't have a movie theatre until I was about nine, so I just didn't see them. But, once I got into movies I loved them.
I think my stuff's kind of obsolete now, you know? I'm making Model Ts or something, and everybody else is making spaceships.
Nothing wrong with computer as things. They can work wonders in communications and business and medicine and everything else.
There are rules in movies. I did a movie playing a bad cop who was a heroin addict but they wouldn't let me smoke in a movie.
I can't sit through plays and musical theatre. I just want to run up onstage and mess up their hair and turn over the furniture.
When people wear shoes that don't fit them, it says something about their soul. Generally, I think it means they are good people.
I attribute all my success to ignorance. If you don't ever think about not getting where you want to be, I think it helps you out.
Sometimes we don't want the bad guy to get caught because otherwise the story is over. You want to at least see it through to the end.
My mom is such a big supporter of mine. She still is, and always was. So I got the sort of encouragement from that side of the family.
You want to know the hardest thing about being smart? What? I pretty much always know what's going to happen next; there's no suspense.
People think you have to be tortured or miserable to write, but I'm finding that I get inspired a lot more these days before I'm happy.