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Every book has mistakes in them, every one. There's never been a book published without mistakes.
I don't care about the Constitution! The Constitution isn't here; you're here. Don't be a pinhead.
You either fight active evil or you accept it. Doing nothing is acceptance. There is no in-between.
Jobs that cannot be delivered must never be promised. It's unfair to raise people's hopes that way.
Does anyone know where the Best Men are? I hope they're not in the parking lot stealing our hubcaps.
The Internet has become a hate-filled town square with no limits put on destructive verbal behavior.
All I ask is for powerful people to respond honestly to the questions, and if they can't, explain why.
When I die, I don't want my demise to be used as a political rally, and that's what happened yesterday.
The Clintons opposed gay marriage. They did don't ask, don't tell. They did the Defense of Marriage Act.
Our philosophy is we call it as we see it. Sometimes you agree, sometimes you don't. Robust debate is good.
You know, look, if I could strangle these people and not go to hell and get executed, I would, but I can't.
I mean, that was a throwaway thought, because my focus was - my intent and my focus was to never go public.
My inspiration comes from that and so I wrote ‘Killing Jesus,’ because I think I was directed to write that.
Millions of Americans have already convicted Mrs. Clinton on many, many things. They will never vote for her.
There is little anyone can do with fanatics. Reasoning with them is a fool's errand. Avoiding them is mandatory.
There isn't any reason to dislike people with whom you disagree. I have lots of friends who don't agree with me.
Right now in Oregon anybody can open a saloon, and hire people to come in and have sex in front of their patrons.
He [Barak Obama]'s a guy from Chicago. He doesn't know what the hell to do. He's got a big pipe with a hole in it.
If some heterosexual wants to be gay, so what? Let him go. It's less competition for the heterosexual single guys.
The goal of higher education should be to champion the airing of all honest viewpoints. Nothing less is acceptable.
If you don't provide a product that is satisfying people, no matter what your ideology, they tell you to take a hike.
It won't take weeks... Our military machine will crush Iraq in a matter of days and there's no question that it will.
Tide goes in, tide goes out. Never a miscommunication. You can't explain that. You can't explain why the tide goes in.
We are all born with a grab bag of gifts and gaps. Identify your true talents, then find out how to use them to make money.
Have nothing to do with coaches. In fact, if you should see one coming, go and hide behind the pavilion until he goes away.
Once the war against Saddam begins, we expect every American to support our military, and if they can't do that, to shut up.
My job is to watch the powerful. It's a simple job description, watch powerful people and make sure they don't hurt the folks.
I've got nothing against gay marriage, it's not my issue. All right, I want homosexual Americans to be happy and to pursue happiness.
When Elton John sang a duet with the white rapper Eminem on a Grammy telecast, rap went mainstream. Massive parental headaches followed.
The government cannot overcome bad parenting. What our leaders can do is publicly condemn irresponsible parental behavior in vivid terms.
They established their patriotic credentials long ago, and are either supportive of the Bush agenda or know when to keep their traps shut.
The Founding Fathers set up a system that heavily relied upon self-reliance and competition, with only a small dose of government intrusion.
Your mom was right when she told you never to discuss politics and religion because emotions run so high in those arenas. Especially religion.
It (broadcast journalism) is a brutal arena where the knives are sharp and the toughest Kevlar vest in the world will not protect you forever.
I've done more for the 9/11 families, by their own admission, I've done more for them than you will ever hope to do so you keep your mouth shut.
Folks know that while I respect Barack Obama and do not cheap-shot the president, I am very skeptical of his big government, nanny-state philosophy.
I'm a sensationalist. I'm a big mouth. I get attention. In this world you have to - if you want a mass-market presentation, you have to get attention.
I know that Oswald killed Kennedy. Now, was he pushed? Encouraged to do it by outsiders? Possibly. Possibly. Was he sitting down with Fidel Castro? No.
America today is a confused society, caught up in a terror war, a culture war, and a media war, where honesty and professional standards have vanished.
I've been to Africa three times. All right? You can't bring Western reasoning into the culture. The same way you can't bring it into fundamental Islam.
Like a brain surgeon who drinks a martini when he's not on call, the successful kids in your school may smoke pot on occasion, but they are not stoners.
The world is a fascinating, difficult place, and in order to take full advantage of what the planet has to offer, we need to see and hear natural things.
I'm enamored of any person, a young person, a lesbian, straight, gay guy who wants to go over and kill bad guys for me and my family. That blows me away.
There are a lot of very brilliant scholars who believe the reason we have incomplete science on evolution is that there is a higher power involved in this.
We do know that the Bandido gang in Houston does drug deal. There are a bunch of people being convicted for heavyweight narcotics trafficking from the gang.
Communicated in the right way, Judeo-Christian philosophy and the religions that uphold it bind a citizenry together in pursuit of a just and generous society.
If you the American citizen leave a child in a hot car and that child was harmed by that you will be charged with negligence even if your action was unintentional.
We had an eyeball-to-eyeball agreement at a restaurant before I came back that, if I came back, he would never talk to me that way again or I was simply saying no.
Throughout American history, we have elected presidents who had not been honest man. Warren Harding, Richard Nixon, to some extent, Lyndon Johnson just to name a few.
Atheists well understand that Christmas is the most visible display of religion in the world, and that any diminishment of it is a good thing to militant secularists.