I'm not normally very adventurous with food.

Doing meet ups is one of my favorite things ever.

I really utilize all of my social networking sites.

You all have the potential to be what you wanna be.

All makeovers should be about enhancing who you are.

I don't want to do something unless it feels organic.

I love sunflowers. They're one of my favorite flowers.

You have to accept yourself, and you have to realize that you're beautiful.

I'm all about building a relationship with viewers and getting to know them.

YouTube videos, they're more personal and more real than a commercial on TV.

The idea of uploading a video that the whole world had access to made me nervous.

I’m not too into the trends - I like to look at trends as suggestions, not as rules.

I'm not too into the trends - I like to look at trends as suggestions, not as rules.

Happy international woman's day to all of the beautifully strong women across the world

YouTube can sometimes be really discouraging. When I first started doing it, I almost stopped doing it.

I always use dry shampoo, even if my hair isn't oily. It gives me so much texture and that bedhead vibe.

I think everyone is most confident when they are just being themselves and not trying to impress others.

When you're going back to school, you want something fresh and new, and perfume is the best way to do that.

I've definitely learned that if you really want something, just go for it, no matter how much it scares you.

Because my hair is colored, I always make sure to find shampoos and conditioners that don't contain sulfates.

One day I was in the grocery store, and I saw raspberries, and I was like, 'Oh, I can make a lip stain out of that.'

When I went to prom, I wore my hair down. But I love the idea of a long dress with your hair up. It's just gorgeous.

Whenever I have free time, I love to just lay in my bed and watch YouTube videos, watch movies. Just basically do nothing.

I kind of like to be a sponge, in a way. So everywhere that I am, I like to keep an open mind and just get ideas from everything.

I've had ups and downs with my skin, but after some time, I've learned what works best and what products I need to stay away from.

I don't just post a video and then get offline. After uploading, I love to respond to comments, tweets, and messages about the video.

I feel like whenever you dress for someone else you probably won't be as comfortable, because that's not what you genuinely want to wear.

I feel like whenever you dress for someone else, you probably won't be as comfortable, because that's not what you genuinely want to wear.

When I travel, I have to have blotting sheets. It's so much better to remove the oil than to cover it up because then your skin just looks cakey.

I always eat mac and cheese. That's what I'm known for, just very simple food: sandwiches, French fries, very unhealthy, but yeah that's what I eat.

In the beginning of my YouTube channel, I feel like I was doing what everyone else was doing, and I kind of felt very pressured to fit in with everyone.

BB cream is my lifesaver! It's so light on my skin, plus it protects and gives me coverage at the same time. My favorites are from Maybelline and Smashbox.

I love cleansing my face in the mornings and at night using Bliss Foaming Facial Wash. It makes my skin feel soft, and the refreshing smell always wakes me up.

I'm not a huge fan of eye shadow. You spend 20 minutes working on it and then make one mistake and have to remove it all! I'd rather play up my eyes with winged eyeliner.

I remember when I was in the sixth grade, my friends used to come over and we would give each other blindfolded makeovers, which turned out interestingly to say the least!

Maybelline's Precise Ink Pen Liner is by far the easiest liquid eyeliner I've ever used. I'm really bad at applying liquid liner and it glides on so nicely and actually stays on all day.

Maybelline's Precise Ink Pen Liner is by far the easiest liquid eyeliner I've ever used. I'm really bad at applying liquid liner, and it glides on so nicely and actually stays on all day.

I go on Twitter and I ask my viewers, 'What would you like to see next season in my line?' or 'What are things you love to wear?' They're the ones wearing it, so I want to make sure it applies to them.

When I have a good pair of shoes, I wear them over and over. Whether it's nice sneakers or a cool pair of combat boots, splurge on a pair you love that you can wear over and over with totally different outfits.

Something that is in every year for me is oversized sweaters. I feel like this is the way to go if you're running late. You can just put anything oversized on and pair it with leggings or jeans and it looks cute.

My viewers actually know about my little routine for spraying perfume. I put it on my wrists and rub them together, then I spray a little bit on my neck and three spritzes in front of me and then I shimmy through them.

For my fragrance, I knew I wanted something sweet but with a different side to it. I have a lot of vanilla notes and bakery shop scents, but then I also have muskier notes that make it a bit edgier. It's fun but also sophisticated.

The first day back to school, you never want to wear your best outfit. You're setting the bar too high for yourself! Then the rest of the school year, you'll feel so much pressure! Wear something cute, but save your best outfit for a day when no one expects it.

There are so many ways to decorate small spaces. One of my favorite things is throw pillows. They can add so much color to your room. You can have the same bedding for years and just switch out the throw pillows, and it looks like you have a completely new bed.

I decided to launch a fragrance because Aeropostale approached me about creating one, and it's something that I kind of always wanted to do but didn't think it would actually happen. So when I heard I had the opportunity to create my own perfume, I got super excited.

I am excited to partner with Aeropostale for my very own collection. It was a great experience to be able to work with them. Not only did I get to design an entire fashion line, but I got to do it at a great price point with quality clothes, both of which are very important to me.

I travel often, which can make maintaining a workout schedule a little difficult, but I try to make time for it whenever I can. Sometimes I wake up extra early so I can fit in a run or a bike ride, and other days I'll just blast music and jump around or watch a 30-minute exercise video.

I started my YouTube channel when I was 13. At the time, I was being bullied by a few people who I used to be very close to. I felt very alone and unmotivated. After discovering the beauty community, I decided it would be a great way to express myself and use it as an outlet to be who I am.

I rarely deal with boredom these days. I used to spend a lot of time saying I was bored until I realized there is always something I could be doing. Whenever I have free time, I love using that time to improve myself in different ways. If you think about it, there are tons of things we still don't know much about.

You can't take anything online personally, especially if it is negative. You can have 10 positive comments, but the one negative comment will get to you. I learned you have to stay focused on the people who love and support you.... Remember that hate comments can be a cry for help or attention. I recommend not responding at all, but if you do, be kind.

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