If I don't need to shoot the ball, I won't do it.

I feel I can win the game without scoring 30 points.

I just like hanging out, really. I'm not too hard to please.

Getting the rebound and going, that's probably the most fluid part of my game.

I guess, if it wasn't for Jordan, there would be no LeBron or Kobe who plays like that.

Once I start shooting that jumper, I feel like I will be one of those guys that is hard to stop.

A lot of guys go into the NBA not being able to shoot the ball well, but then they become great shooters.

I'm a big guy, but I play with a guard mentality. I got that from my dad, and it's always stayed with me.

I'm the best PlayStation player you'll ever see. I'll play anything. 'Call of Duty,' 'NBA2K,' 'Grand Theft Auto.'

I'll have time to mature and develop, and one day, hopefully, I can bring a ring to wherever I am. LeBron did it.

If I ever make a lot of money in the NBA, I'm going to have this massive tank, and it's going to have an alligator in it.

LeBron's been like a big brother to me, watching me play and giving me pointers on just little things. I really look up to him.

I loved my Communications class. The toughest one I had was Oceanography only because I didn't have too much interest in the oceans.

I enjoyed my time at L.S.U. I wouldn't change it for anything. My dad went to college - my sisters, brothers - so I felt like I just had to, and I enjoyed it.

I'm kind of ready for anything. I don't really get nervous, and I'm not the type of person who gets worried about a game. I just play the game, and I enjoy it.

People say a lot of things about LeBron, but he just keeps having a good mentality and grinding. That's what I try to do, proving people wrong by what I do on the court.

For me, I always try and deliver. Regardless of the situation, I always try and play hard every time I step out on the court. If I don't deliver and play well, then I know I haven't been working hard enough.

I've learned a lot just being around LeBron. People say things about him all the time, but he would never say anything back. That's what I learned from him: Don't retaliate to articles or pieces or to things that are said about me.

I look at the N.B.A. as a job, a great job to have, so I think, for me, I would have loved the opportunity to go to the N.B.A. out of high school. If you're not ready, you're not ready. If you are ready, I think you should be able to go.

Growing up in Australia and the way I was raised, my dad told me to play as a team and to be a team player. You have five guys on the court. It's easy for five guys to defend one guy. It's hard to guard five. It's just a natural thing to do.

I think my versatility is a big strength. I don't think anybody can guard me, just because I'm 6'10 and can dribble and play point. If I have a little guy on me, I take him to the post. For me to be able to then pass the ball, it helps me a lot.

I was in school to play basketball; I wasn't trying to be a doctor. It's hard to talk about the NCAA rules and everything that happened in the past because I've just been focused on practicing and getting ready... I was trying to reach my dreams, and that's to play in the NBA.

It's great to be compared to a great player like Tracy McGrady, but I think I'm my own type of player. I'm 6'10" and a bit bigger than he is as a player. I also think I'm a bit different and play a different position. He's more of a guard, and I can play all around through five.

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