I used to always listen to Z100 in NYC and I love Elvis Duran.

I do occasionally listen to One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer.

The maximum number of emotions that I can cover is what I want to do.

When I go into the studio I just want to make something that feels good.

The whole reason why I have Twitter is to interact with my fans, for the most part.

I think you do a lot of your growing as a human being between the ages of 13 and 18.

I already have a very low, raspy voice for a girl. When I'm sick, it sounds even raspier.

I actually have sang at a wedding before! My old hairdresser from New Jersey, I sang at her wedding.

Women are capable of accomplishing just as much as men are but aren't always given the same attention and opportunity.

I get my inspiration from a lot of bands actually. I really like AC/DC, Nirvana, Led Zeppelin and new bands. I like The Pretty Reckless.

Life is not going from bad to good, but it's a balance of the two that kind of goes up and down. There are bad things and there are good things.

I literally have a song about how bored I was and it's actually a really cool song that's interesting because I created something out of nothing.

It doesn't matter what a family looks like as long as you get the love, support and encouragement to be whatever you want to be and do great things in life.

I'm not saying this is all men, but in my experience as a woman, I'm not taken as seriously in a leadership role regardless of how good I am at what I'm doing.

I never just want to talk about the good things that happen to me, or just about the bad things. I want to talk about all the experiences I'm having on a daily basis.

If I don't write a song, I only record it when it's played for me for the first time and I connect to it, am empowered by it, and have a deep connection to the lyrics.

Blue' is actually my favorite chapter because it captures sadness more than the other chapters. That might sound weird but I've always been drawn to the rawest emotions.

I'm 19. I'm in the process of growing up and figuring out where I'm supposed to be in my life. But it is kind of weird when I realize that other people look to me as inspiration.

Because obviously when we write our music, we pour our heart and soul into it. I put everything into my music... I just feel like, I want people to actually hear what I have to say.

I have mild social anxiety to an extent where, when I'm talking to a new person, literally the only thing I can think in the back of my head is: 'What do I say when they're done talking?'

Paper Doll' is about being bullied, and about having someone in your life who is constantly trying to put you down, and trying to make you feel like you are not good enough being who you are.

I grew up in a house of all girls, which was interesting. I think it made me a lot less catty because a lot of girls, especially who are around my age, are very catty and very mean to each other.

Once I make a decision, it's hard for me to listen to anybody else's opinion. I make a choice, and I'm like, 'This is it. I've thought long and hard about this, and this is exactly what needs to happen.'

To my haters: I don't have anything to say to you; you can see how far I've gotten myself. To those who supported me: Thank you, and I will never stop trying to repay you for all of the things you do for me every day.

Not an Apology' is a good title, because I speak my mind more than the average teenage girl does, and I don't ever really apologize for having an opinion and using strong words to describe things and talk about how I feel.

I was almost teaching myself through writing without even realizing it. It's like therapy. You can hear my progression as a person and how much happier I became, which is really cool for me to hear because I'm proud of myself.

I think we all have really busy lives now and there's so much stimulation, there's so many artists, there's so much music, there's so much art, there's so much everything in a world it's hard to get people to focus on 12 songs of yours at once.

I love feelings that are universal, things that tie every single person on this earth together. I think we all battle between what we know is right and what we feel is right every single day, and as much as that can be difficult it's absolutely human.

I was raised by two moms in a town that was diverse and understanding of people. I remember when I got a taste of the whole rest of the world and left my bubble when I got older, I was just so confused by the fact that not everybody else was like that.

As a fan of music, I don't like that artists release one body of music a year and then disappear because it's hard to relate to that. I wanted to be able to bring my fans along on my journey and have them really feel like they're living my life with me.

Since I've been so honest with them, my fans know me very well so I don't think anything surprises them at this point. I've always told them exactly what's going on in my life and in my head, and because of that, I don't think anything is a huge surprise to them anymore.

My favorite song on the album is 'Paper Doll' because I think it's a message that a lot of people need to hear, and it's about something that a lot of people struggle with. But I don't victimize myself in the song and I don't allow the person who's trying to intimidate me get to me.

There were some days where I was like, you know what, I don't relate to everything that I'm hearing on the radio right now. Because I'm having a bad time, I'm having a rough day, I'm experiencing something that is making me feel alienated in this emotion because everything I'm hearing is about the opposite.

I wrote 'Song Like You' the day I recognized that someone who was really important to me was not actually very good for me, nor was I for them. I think we all have to make hard decisions like that at one point or another, having to let go of someone who we love because love isn't always enough to make it work.

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